The Wall Street Journal quoted Professor Norman Stein in a Feb. 22 article exploring tactics employees can use to nudge employers to improve the retirement plans they offer. (Subscription required.)
Stein advised workers who seek changes to existing 401(k) plans should use diplomacy and gauge whether colleagues share their concerns.
“There’s a certain amount of risk,” Stein said.
The Hill quoted Stein in a Feb. 20 article focused on new rules requiring financial advisors and investment dealers to disclose any financial interests they have in particular investments they might recommend.
"What we're hoping for from the regulations is a regulation that is tough and looks at conflicts and says that conflicts do influence people," Stein said.
Stein is a recognized authority on pension benefits who has testified before congressional and regulatory hearings in favor of the rules, which the U.S. Department of Labor has announced it plans to implement.