Professor Karl Okamoto Discusses CEO Compensation on Business Insider

May 09, 2012

In an article in Business Insider online, Professor Karl Okamoto commented on high-profile executive pay increases.

The article investigates the relationship between skyrocketing CEO compensation and the compensation consultants who advise corporations on what to pay their executives. According to the article, CEO compensation continues to increase despite tough economic times with some corporations paying 8-figure salaries just to keep their CEOs. Okamoto commented that the compensation consultants are merely solidifying on paper the corporation's decision to keep a good CEO regardless of the cost.

Okamoto's research focuses on securities and corporate law. He is the creator of the Law Meet transactional lawyering competition which aims to prepare students who seek to be transactional attorneys on how to structure and negotiate simulated “deal.” This year's national final involved some of the very same CEO compensation issues hightlighted in the Business Insider article.