Professor Lisa McElroy Discusses Supreme Court Decisions on Oprah Radio

May 15, 2010

Professor Lisa McElroy discussed two recent Supreme Court rulings and the nomination of Elena Kagan to the high court during an interview with radio host Gayle King on May 18.

McElroy discussed Graham v. Florida, in which the court determined that minors cannot  be sentenced to life in prison without the chance of release for crimes that do not involve murder. She also discussed United States v. Comstock, in which the court held that people who are mentally ill and “sexually dangerous” may be held in federal prison even after they have served their entire criminal sentences.

The writer of the “Plain English” column on SCOTUSblog, McElroy teaches a Supreme Court seminar each year that culminates with a trip to the high court that includes a conversation with one of the justices.

For an audio link, click here.