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Data Without Borders? Cross National Perspectives on Research Data

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

9:00 AM-4:30 PM

Please join us for "Data Without Borders? Cross National Perspectives on Research Data," an interdisciplinary program exploring the intricacies of using research data in different legal and technical environments in the United States and European Union. The event is organized by Universite de Rennes in France and Drexel University in the U.S. It will feature discussions led by experts from universities and research organizations in both countries addressing the impact of the GDPR, and related EU laws, as well as US federal and state laws. The discussions will delve into challenges in regulating different models of data collection, publication, and reuse. This is an opportunity to engage with key perspectives on how research data are handled across borders and to enhance your understanding of global data dynamics in research.


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Kline Institute for Trial Advocacy
1200 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA
5 CLE credits (substantive)


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