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Re-Orientation Day (2L, 3L, and AJD attendance required)

Friday, August 23, 2024

8:45 AM-4:15 PM

A mandatory reorientation session will take place on Friday, August 23 for 2Ls and 3Ls (including AJDs). Please refer to the below agendas to locate your corresponding schedule.

During the ice cream social, we will have “resources open availability” throughout the main Law School building to help answer any questions and needs (including financial aid planning, AccessLex, pro bono, OSA, DiveIN, wellness, bar support, library, Westlaw, Lexis, study aids, law tech, CSO, and others).

Reorientation Schedule for 2Ls & first-year AJDs:

9:15 a.m.: Check in at Stein Auditorium in Nesbitt Hall
9:30 a.m.: Alumni Q&A panel
11:00 a.m.: DiveIN and Get Going
12:00 p.m.: Lunch (provided by us)
1:00 p.m.: Professional practice and pro bono
1:30 p.m.: CSO: What to do as a 2L
2:00 p.m.: Library resources for 2Ls
2:30 p.m.: Bar exam: What to do as a 2L
3:00 p.m.: Degreeworks check for 2Ls (please bring your laptop)
3:30 -4:15 p.m.: Ice cream social with faculty and staff in Law School (lobby and third-floor gallery)

Reorientation Schedule for 3Ls & AJDs with one year remaining:

8:45 a.m.: Check in at Bossone Research Center lobby
9:00 a.m.: Diagnostic Bar Exam in the Mitchell Auditorium in the Bossone Research Center
12:00 p.m.: lunch (provided by us)
1:00 p.m.: Debrief and review of diagnostic bar exam
2:15 p.m.: Degreeworks check (bring laptop)
2:30 p.m.: Pro bono
2:45 p.m.: DiveIN reflections and resources
3:15 p.m.: CSO what to do as a 3L
3:30-4:15 p.m.: Ice cream social with faculty and staff in Law School (lobby and third-floor gallery)

Remind me about this event. Notify me if this event changes. Add this event to my personal calendar.


Please refer to schedule


  • Graduate Students