Oxford University Press Publishes Book Co-authored by Professor David DeMatteo and ’18 Alumna Alice Thornewill

September 16, 2019

“Problem-Solving Courts and the Criminal Justice System,” co-authored by Professor David DeMatteo and alumna Alice Thornewill, has been published by Oxford University Press.

DeMatteo and Thornewill joined Kirk Heilbrun, a professor of psychology at Drexel, and Shelby Arnold, PhD clinical psychology ’19, in writing the book, which provides a comprehensive look at problem-solving courts – courts that provide supervised treatment for the behavioral health needs of offenders through collaboration between the judge, attorneys and treatment providers.

“‘Problem-Solving Courts and the Criminal Justice System’ is the first sustained work of scholarship focused on judge-led attempts to accomplish rehabilitative rather than retributive justice,” wrote John Monahan, the Shannon Distinguished Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. “Carefully distinguishing evidence from advocacy, the authors provide a cohesive guide to managing behavioral health challenges in the courtroom.”

The book begins with background on the development, political history and types of problem-solving courts. The authors review the legal and ethical considerations of the alternative methods these courts employ, as well as the challenges researchers face in determining court effectiveness. Finally, they address the future of problem-solving courts in the United States.

DeMatteo, director of Drexel’s JD-PhD in Law and Clinical Psychology program, is an authority on forensic mental health assessment, offender diversion and drug-involved criminal offenders. He has previously published seven books and more than 90 articles and book chapters. He is a former president of the American Psychology-Law Society.

Thornewill is a student in the JD-PhD in Law and Clinical Psychology program at Drexel University. She has an MS in Clinical Psychology, graduated summa cum laude from the Kline School of Law in 2018 and anticipates receiving her PhD in Clinical Psychology (forensic concentration) in 2020. Her research interests include re-entry, offender diversion, problem-solving justice, prison reform, therapeutic interventions for justice-involved populations and human rights.