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Faculty Present at 2019 Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference

July 30, 2019

Eight members of the Kline School of Law faculty are presenting at this year’s Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference in Boca Raton, Florida July 28 to Aug. 3.

SEALS is a regional association of law schools that offers newer faculty the opportunity to present and receive feedback on works in progress, promotes discussion of topics in legal pedagogy and provides a platform for exploring cutting edge topics in the law and legal scholarship.

This year, the Kline School of Law is particularly well represented on the program.

  • Professor Hannah Bloch-Wehba discussed a new article “Fourth Amendment Transparency” during a New Scholars’ Workshop on Criminal Law and Procedure, served as a discussant for a conversation about developing “The Next Article” and took part in a discussion group on “New and Established Voices in Criminal Procedure.”
  • Professor Robert Field took part in a discussion of “Privacy in a Social Media Era.”
  • Professor Deborah Gordon took part in discussions of “The Dead Hand: How to Keep Students Engaged in the Trusts & Estates Classroom,” “Identity and Legal Education” and “Expanding Paradigms in Trusts & Estates Scholarship” and participated in a panel on strategies for developing formative assessments of student performance.
  • Professor Nicole Iannarone participated in a discussion group focused on “Law School Assessment & Developing Professional Identity.”
  • Professor Yolanda Ingram took part in a discussion of “Academic Support and Bar Prep Professionals: Finding Status in the Legal Academy.”
  • Professor Liz Kukura took part in a discussion of Works in Progress.
  • Professor Lisa Tucker served on a panel discussing the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Professor Emily Zimmerman took part in discussions of “Identity and Legal Education” and “Restructuring Legal Education” and moderated a panel exploring “Globalization and LLM Programs.”