’15 Alumna Named to Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Bar Leadership Institute

Karen Grethlein, '15

June 19, 2018

Karen Grethlein, ’15, is one of 11 Pennsylvania lawyers added to the 2018-19 class of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Bar Leadership Institute.

An associate at Marshall Dennehy Warner Coleman & Goggin in King of Prussia, Grethlein works in the Professional Liability Department, where she handles cases including architectural, engineering and construction defect litigation, employment law, education law and professional liability for accountants.  She is a member of the Executive Council of the PBA’s Women in the Profession Commission, which she joined during her 1L year.

The Bar Leadership Institute was created in 1995-96 to strengthen the PBA’s efforts to recruit and develop leaders of the association who can advance its mission to promote justice and professional excellence. Selection to the institute is based on leadership abilities demonstrated by attorneys who are under age 40 or have practiced five years or less.

While in law school, Grethlein was an executive editor of Drexel Law Review.