3Ls Sara Kirkpatrick and Caitlin Smith received the Best Draft award at the Western Regional Transactional LawMeet, held at UCLA School of Law on Feb. 27.
3Ls Kristen Capriotti and Dylan Caplan advanced to the Semi-Finals in the Denver Regional LawMeet, hosted by the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.
Regional Transactional LawMeets held at the Kline School of Law and six other law schools around the U.S. featured 84 teams.
The students were tested on their ability to draft and negotiate a purchase agreement involving the sale of a fictitious brewing company. The live negotiations were judged by partners from some of the nation’s leading law firms, corporate general counsels and other senior practitioners.
LawMeets were created by Professor Karl Okamoto, director of the Business and Entrepreneurship Law program, to help students polish their skills in transactional law.