Associate Dean Bret Asbury Discusses Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers at University of Utah Symposium

Associate Dean Bret Asbury

December 04, 2017

Associate Dean Bret Asbury was a presenter at a symposium, “Medical and Legal Aspects of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws” at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law on Dec. 1.

Asbury took part in a panel exploring the impact of targeted regulations on patients and their experience of care. He joined Columbia Law School Professor Carol Sanger on the panel.

The associate dean for faculty research, Asbury has focused his recent scholarship on related themes, writing on the law of genome editing and publishing “Fostering Informed Choice: Alleviating the Trauma of Genetic Abortions” in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy and “’Backdoor to Eugenics’?: The Risks of Prenatal Diagnosis for Poor, Black Women,” in the Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy.