Faculty Present at Global Legal Skills Conference in Italy

Professors Terry Jean Seligmann, Emily Zimmerman, Reena Parambath and Amy Montemarano

May 24, 2016

Four members of the faculty will lead discussions at the 2016 Global Legal Skills Conference in Verona, Italy May 24 through 26.

Professor Terry Seligmann will take part in the Roundtable for New Teachers and Program Directors, joining faculty from law schools at Northwestern University, American University and the University of Texas.

Professor Emily Zimmerman will serve on a panel discussing Five Habits for Cross-Cultural Lawyering, joining colleagues from New York Law School and the Université de Montréal.

Professors Reena Parambath and Amy Montemarano will take part in a panel on Integrating Practical Practical Legal Skills, Clinical Programs, Internships and Compulsory Community Service, along with colleagues from several law schools in New Zealand.

The conference attracts hundreds of legal writing faculty, international and comparative law professors, clinical faculty, linguists, librarians, judges, attorneys, court translators, law students, and scholars interested in global legal skills education.

The Arlin M. Adams Professor of Legal Writing, Seligmann is also director of Legal Research and Writing.  She is an expert on education law.

Zimmerman, the director of the Criminal Law program, has published extensively on the topic of legal education.

Parambath directs the Co-op Program, which enables students to gain intensive experience in more than 100 law firms, government agencies, corporate offices, the courts and public interest organizations.

Montemarano, who teaches Legal Methods among other courses, has published and spoken on a variety of topics in legal education.