Philadelphia Bar Association’s Public Interest Section Honors Three Alumnae

June 09, 2015

Class of 2015 members Elyse Cohen, Olivia Moorhead and Lauren Runza will receive this year’s Eve Biskind Klothen Law Student Awards at the Philadelphia Bar Association’s quarterly meeting on June 9.

Cohen is being honored for her efforts to develop the law school’s Youth Court Project, a pro bono program that enables teens to try the cases of peers whose behaviors have violated their schools’ rules, and also for her work with South Jersey Legal Services. 

Moorhead, the president of the law school’s Criminal Law Society, provided extensive pro bono service through the Pennsylvania Innocence Project and also served as an instructor for the Police Athletic League mock trial and math competitions.

Runza provided more than 200 hours of pro bono service to diverse members of the community through the Mazzoni Center’s Pennsylvania Marriage Outreach Project, the HIAS Immigrant Youth Project and the Supervision to Aid Reentry Project.