Rising 3L Receives Inaugural Award Honoring LGBT Advocate David M. Rosenblum

June 15, 2015

Rising 3L Bob Alexander received the inaugural David M. Rosenblum Law Student Award from the Philadelphia Bar Association’s LGBT Rights Committee on June 16.

A 22-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and co-president of the law school’s OUTLAW chapter, Alexander serves on the GLBT Rights Committee and the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

He also serves as a member of the ABA Sexual Orientation and General Identity Committee and the OutServe/Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, a nonpartisan legal services, watchdog and advocacy group for military members and veterans.

In May, Alexander and rising 2L and OUTLAW co-president Dan DiRenzo traveled to Washington, D.C. as part of the inaugural ABA LGBT Advocacy Day sponsored by the ABA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Commission and the LGBT Bar Association.  A member of the SOGI Advocacy Committee that organized the event, he spoke with Pennsylvania House and Senate members and staff members about issues including jury access/non-discrimination, international LGBT human rights and the need for a special State Department envoy.   

“Bob’s commitment to social justice extends beyond the LGBT community as an advocate for the underserved and poor,” said Associate Dean Donna Gerson, who nominated him for the award, noting his efforts as a pro bono intern for the Homeless Advocacy Project and his involvement with both the Community Lawyering Clinic and the Appellate Advocacy Clinic.

The award honors the late Mazzoni Center Legal Director David Rosenblum, who died in 2014.