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Thomas Kline Elected to American Law Institute

July 30, 2015

Thomas R. Kline has been elected as a member of the American Law Institute, the leading independent organization in the U.S. that produces scholarly work to clarify, modernize and improve the law.

Members of ALI help reshape the law by drafting, discussing, revising and publishing restatements of the law, model codes and principles of law that have influence in the courts and legislatures, as well as in legal scholarship and education.

The organization’s membership includes legal scholars and judges as well as prominent attorneys.

Kline is a founding partner of Kline & Specter, one of the nation’s leading personal injury law firms.  Over the course of more than three decades in legal practice, Kline has gained widespread recognition for his skills as a litigator and for his commitment to trial advocacy as a cornerstone of the judicial system.

The transformative $50 million gift Kline provided in 2014, the single largest donation in the University’s history, has put the law school on the path to become a national center of excellence for teaching advocacy.