The American Bar Association named 3L Bob Alexander the Law School Division’s Liaison of the Year for his work with the ABA’s Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
The award was announced at the ABA’s annual meeting in early August.
While serving as Law School Division liaison, Alexander helped persuade the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar to propose changes to accreditation language regarding sexual orientation. He also helped organize the SOGI Commission’s LGBT Advocacy Day in the spring and led the Pennsylvania delegation that met with Congressional representatives in Washington, D.C.
The award recognized Alexander for recruiting classmates to take on leadership roles within the ABA’s Law School Division.
Meanwhile, 2L Matt Mecoli, serving on the Law School Division as 3rd Circuit Governor, successfully shepherded an LGBT anti-conversion therapy measure through the division’s House of Delegates. The resolution, affirming the rights of LGBT people to be free from attempts to change their sexual orientation and gender identity, ultimately was adopted by the ABA House of Delegates.
3L Dredeir Roberts took over as Law School Division Liaison for SOGI in 2015-16.