Associate Dean and Globe Trotter Susan Brooks Shares Expertise on Experiential Learning

September 30, 2013

Professor Susan L. Brooks is dispensing expertise on experiential legal education around the globe this year.

The associate dean for experiential learning, Brooks spent part of the summer in Myanmar, where she took part in the first-ever legal conference on clinical legal education, which was held at Yangon University.

At the conference, community leaders learned how to use the legal system to advance human rights in the transitioning democracy. Brooks’ expertise in clinical and co-operative education made her a valuable contributor for such an event.

The visit to Myanmar was the second leg of a trip to Asia that also took Brooks to northern Thailand. Brooks guest taught a legal ethics class at the law school of Thailand’s Chiang Mai University, where she was a member of a delegation organized by Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia.

In Thailand, Brooks was able to see BABSEA’s programs firsthand, potentially sparking additional experiential learning opportunities for students interested in international law.

“We frequently hear of students who are interested in international law and human rights,” Brooks said, adding that a firsthand perspective confirmed the value of student experiences through BABSEA programs.

In October, Brooks serves as a guest law faculty member at the University of South Australia. There, she is co-teaching a course that parallels the Lawyering Practice Seminar, which Drexel students complete in tandem with their co-op placements.

Brooks said the trip could pave the way for future co-op placements in Australia.

Come early December, Brooks will take the scenic route home, stopping in New Delhi, India, to present at a conference sponsored by the Global Alliance for Justice Education. Brooks will talk about teaching law students about emotional intelligence as a way to enhance interactions with clients as well as fellow professionals.