Students Again Tapped for ABA Leadership Posts

August 27, 2013

Joe Zeidner, a 2L, has been chosen to serve as a delegate to the American Bar Association Law Student Division. This fall marks the second consecutive year that a student from the law school will serve as delegate, whose role is to represent the nation’s law students to the ABA House of Delegates. Zeidner will also contribute to the work of the Task Force on the Future of Legal Education.

Irene Lehne, a 3L, will serve as a Law Student Division liaison to the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.

“Our school definitely has been very involved,” Zeidner said, noting that last year, Class of 2013 alumna Dorcas Adekunle was elected delegate and her classmate, Scott Barlow, was elected to the Law Student Division’s Board of Governors. “There are great networking opportunities, as well as the ability to help create change or improvements in the legal system in America.”