Students Highlight Their Research at a Virtual Poster Session

Leiberman presenting a poster

April 29, 2020

Ten Dornsife students, along with other Drexel students engaged in public health research, participated in the Dornsife Virtual Public Health Student Poster Session on April 29th, showcasing their work over the past year to dozens of virtual attendees.

This event, coordinated by the Office of Public Health Practice, provided the opportunity for those who had originally been accepted to the annual College of Physicians Public Health Student Poster Session to broadly share their findings to those within the Dornsife community.

Topics presented ranged from the development of a tool to characterize potential factors contributing to urban heat vulnerability to associations to weight perception among cancer survivors to a qualitative analysis of Latino-serving providers in the region.

Guests were given the chance to learn about their research and scholarly work.

Congratulations to these students on their excellent work!

Student Presenters and Project Titles:

  • Nishita Dsouza, MPH (PhD, Community Health & Prevention), Accessing Services across Geography: A Sociospatial Analysis of Latino-Serving Organizations in Philadelphia
  • Jamile Tellez Leiberman, MPH (DrPH, Community Health & Prevention), “Family can never be apart”: a Qualitative Exploration of the Impact of Stepped-up Immigration Enforcement on the Well-being of U.S. Citizen Latino Children
  • Gabrielle Connor (MPH, Health Management & Policy) and Leah Bakely (MPH, Community Health & Prevention), The Migrante Project: Health Status and Access to Health Care among Mobile Populations
  • Yun-Ting Yen, MS (PhD, Environmental & Occupational Health), Association of Trees and Other Vegetation near Homes with Childhood Asthma Exacerbation
  • Cinthya Alberto, MPH (PhD, Health Services Research & Policy), Maternal-Provider Ethnic Concordance and US-born Latino Youth Receipt of Family Centered Care
  • Leah Bakely (MPH, Community Health & Prevention), “Mi Lucha”: Experiences of Philadelphia Latinx Immigrants with Substance Use, Violence, HIV/AIDS, and Mental Health
  • Sierra Cuellar (MPH, Community Health & Prevention), “Low-resource organizations working with a low-resource population”: A Qualitative Analysis of Latino-Serving Providers in Philadelphia
  • Cinthya Alberto, MPH (PhD, Health Services Research & Policy), The Direct Effect of Maternal Characteristics on Latino Youth Health Care Access in the United States
  • Kristine Lagana, MS (MD, Drexel College of Medicine) and Roxane Javadi, MS (MD, Drexel College of Medicine), Attitudes on Harm Reduction among Rehabilitation Providers in Philadelphia
  • Chahita Kunungo, BDS (MPH, Environmental & Occupational Health), Development of a Tool for Characterizing Landscape and Structural Housing Characteristics that may Impact Urban Heat Vulnerability using Google Street View
  • Alexus Reynolds, MPH (MPH, Epidemiology), Social Determinants of Health and Weight Perception among Endometrial Cancer Survivors
  • Yang Xu, MS (MS, Biostatistics), Examining the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Depression in a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program in the Presence of Significant Missing Data
Watch the Virtual Public Health Student Poster Session