Student Organizations
2024-25 Student Government Leadership Board Members from L to R: USGO, SGO, and PHDSAG, with Dean Gina Lovasi
Explore all that Dornsife and Drexel have to offer by getting involved in a student organization.
Participating in student organizations enriches the Drexel experience, and it's the perfect opportunity to develop leadership skills, build community services, form friendships, and explore intellectual, religious, and social interests.
Our school's active public health student organizations are described below. More Drexel activities such as recreation and athletics, student organizations, clubs, resource centers, university interfaith council, environmental groups, fraternities and sororities can be found via the DragonLink directory.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Student Government Organization
USGO consists of an elected body of undergraduate student representatives who serve as liaisons with the administration to advocate for students’ needs. Additionally, USGO plans exciting academic, professional, service, and social community-based opportunities for public health students to connect and learn on campus and in Philadelphia.
All undergraduate students of the Dornsife School of Public Health shall become members of the Student Government Organization upon enrollment. Contact:
Dean’s Student Advisory Board
The Dean’s Student Advisory Board (DSAB) is comprised of undergraduate students selected to serve as the voice of the undergraduate student population and to serve as a liaison between the student body and administration. DSAB members serve and contribute in various student activities, career development, and recruitment events to provide well-rounded service to Dornsife.
Graduate Students
Dornsife Student Government Organization (SGO)
Dornsife SGO consist of an elected body of graduate students representatives who serve as liaisons with the Administration to advocate for students’ needs. Additionally, SGO plans exciting opportunities for students to connect and learn, including events such as: Black History Month, Peer Mentoring Program, National Public Health Week, service activities, and more.
All master's students of the Dornsife School of Public Health shall become members of the Student Government Organization upon enrollment. Leadership positions are one-year appointments. Elections are held each fall term. Contact:
Follow SGO on Instagram @drexel_sphsgo
Public Health Doctoral Students Advisory Group
The mission of PHDSAG is to represent all doctoral students in the Dornsife School of Public Health in matters involving student-faculty and student-administration relations.
All doctoral students enrolled either full or part-time in DSPH at Drexel University shall become members of the PHDSAG upon enrollment.
PHDSAG strives to develop, promote and enhance all doctoral students’ experiences through partnerships with the school’s administrators and faculty members as well as public health researchers and practitioners in the community at large and their networks.
Past events have included Lunch and Learns, mock proposal, dissertation and conference presentations, social events (multicultural potluck, movie nights, and end of year celebrations), and workshops to enhance academic skills (manuscript preparation and authorship). Elections are held annually during the spring quarter. Contact:
Follow PHSAG on Instagram @phdsag_
Public Health Student Clubs
Community Health and Prevention Club (CHP)
The Community Health and Prevention Club is a graduate student organization for public health students with an interest in serving and promoting health in communities. CHP organizes events including: a community-wide Narcan (naloxone) training, the Lancaster street cleanup, and a mix and mingle between CHP masters and doctoral students. CHP also holds social events for members to promote community engagement.
Students interested in becoming a member of the CHP club board are encouraged to apply in February. Contact:
Follow the CHP Club on Instagram @drexelchp
Maternal and Child Health Club
The Maternal and Child Health Club provides leadership and public health information essential in the promotion, improvement, and maintenance of the overall health status of women, children, infants, and families.
Through guest speakers, article discussions, and community activities, Maternal and Child Health Club explores a broad range of maternal and child health topics, including birth outcomes, family planning, the role of fathers, child and adolescent health, and environmental conditions that impact the health of mothers and children. The club is supported in part by Dornsife's Maternal and Child Health Program. Contact:
Follow the MCH Club on Instagram @drexel_mchso
Peer Health Educators
Peer Health Educators work to disseminate essential preconception health messages, with a commitment to lowering the high infant mortality rates among racial and ethnic minorities. Contact:
Follow the Peer Health Educators on Instagram @drexelphe
Public Health National Honor Society
Delta Omega Honor Society, Beta Omega Chapter
Dornsife’s Beta Omega Chapter is one of more than 100 chapters and since it’s formation at Johns Hopkins in 1924 and each year inducts students, faculty, alumni and honorary members into our chapter. Membership is based on high academic standards and outstanding performance in scholarship, teaching, research and community service, encouraging further excellence in and devotion to public health work. Learn more about membership in Delta Omega.
Learn more about Drexel University's student organizations, events, and other ways to get involved: Explore DragonLink