Richard Marinucci
Executive Director, FDSOA
Chief Marinucci has over 40 years of experience currently serving as Executive Director of the Fire Department Safety Officers. He served nearly 25 years as the Chief of Farmington Hills.
Chief Marinucci was president of the IAFC and served as Acting Chief Operating Officer of the USFA.
He was the national program manager for the EGH program of the NFFF.
Chief Marinucci authored the Fire Chief’s Guide to Administration and Management and is a columnist for Fire Engineering and Fire Apparatus magazines. He was the editor of the Fire Chief’s Handbook, 7th edition.
He has earned a Master’s Degree from Eastern Michigan University and Bachelor of Science degrees from Western Michigan University, Madonna University, and the University of Cincinnati.
Chief Marinucci was awarded the Ronny Jack Coleman Leadership Legacy Award from CPSE in 2013.