Americans' Trust in Their Government Is Low. Is That Fair?

The word politics spelled with wooden letters

November 26, 2019

No matter who is in elected office, from time to time, citizens may agree or disagree with specific policies, positions, action or inaction, but public trust in our elected representatives is at a mere 17 percent, according to a Pew Research Center report released in April.

So, what accounts for this low level of trust? What do citizens want, and could using scientific evidence to pass bills in citizens’ interest help restore that trust?

Takeaways from three recent papers by Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, an assistant professor of Health Management and Policy in the Dornsife School of Public Health, and colleagues, offer some insights: The public wants legislators to use more ‘evidence’ in making health policy.

A brief report Purtle published in June in Translational Behavioral Medicine exposed a wide gap between what Americans say they want out of lawmakers and what they perceive they’re getting.

Read the full article on the Drexel News Blog: Americans’ Trust in Their Government Is Low. Is That Fair?