
  • Pregnancy is a Missed Opportunity for HIV-Infected Women to Gain Control Over Condition

    August 25, 2015

    Pregnancy could be a turning point for HIV-infected women, when they have the opportunity to enter a long-term pattern of maintenance of HIV care after giving birth—but most HIV-infected women aren’t getting that chance, according to a pair of new studies led by Drexel and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.

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  • Drexel Experts Available to Comment on Pope's Visit to Philadelphia

    August 04, 2015

    <p>Pope Francis &ndash; and an estimated 1.5 million people &ndash; will descend upon the city of Philadelphia in late September as the capstone to the weeklong, international World Meeting of Families event, </span><span>during which the Pope will deliver a public mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway</span><span>. From concerns about security measures to transportation, anxiety is already on the rise among Philadelphians regarding how the city will handle the influx of tourists expected to double the city&rsquo;s population.&nbsp;</span>Drexel University experts are available to comment on a range of issues related to the visit including safety, public health, environmental impact, infrastructure preparedness and tourism. Experts also are able to weigh in about what this once-in-a-lifetime event &ndash; and the Pope&rsquo;s progressive views &ndash; mean for the Catholic church.</p>

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