Partners and Affiliates The Dornsife School of Public Health regularly partners with many communities and organizations globally to improve the health of populations. We work closely with ministries of health, NGOs, academic institutions and low- and middle-income country partners to develop mutually beneficial capacity building, training, and research collaborations. Below is a sample list of previous and current collaborating institutions. Please note that this list is ever evolving, and not representative of the status of current partnerships. This list includes Latin American institutions from the SALURBAL project team. Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL) (Urban Health in Latin America) is a project through which the Dornsife School of Public Health and partners throughout Latin America and the United States are working together to study the impact of climate change on population health across Latin America. Sample List of Previous and Current Collaborating Institutions See the list of partners below the map. Show the complete list of partners ArgentinaInstituto de Salud Colectiva de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús BrazilPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio)Urban Health Observatory of Belo Horizonte, Universidad Federal de Minas GeraisFundação Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro)Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Salvador de Bahia)Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUniversidade Federal de Juiz de ForaUniversidade Federal de Mato GrossoUniversidade Federal da BahiaUniversidade Federal de Ouro PretoUniversidade de São Paulo ChilePontificia Universidad Católica de ChileUniversidad de La Frontera ChinaXiamen UniversityShandong University School of Public HealthShanghai Advanced Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of ScienceShanghai Jiao Tong Costa RicaFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children ColumbiaUniversidad de los AndesUniversidad NacionalUniversidad IbaguéUniversidad IcesiUniversidad de Antioquia CubaUniversity of CienfuegosInstituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos Dominican RepublicFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children EcuadorFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children EthiopiaWorld Vision Ethiopia FranceEcole des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP) GambiaUniversity of GambiaPower Up Gambia GhanaWorld VisionKintampo Health Research CenterWater4Procter and Gamble Guatemala Instituto de Nutrición de Centroamérica y Panamá IndiaMaulana Azad Medical CollegeNISHTHA (NGO)Amity UniversityFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children IsraelBen-Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Health Sciences KenyaThe African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)World Vision KenyaWater4 LesothoWorld Vision Lesotho MalawiWorld Vision Malawi MexicoInstituto Nacional de Salud Pública MozambiqueWorld Vision Mozambique NicaraguaFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children Peru Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia RwandaWorld Vision Rwanda SenegalWorld Vision SenegalMinistère de la Santé et de l'Action socialeUniversite Cheikh Anta Diop de DakarReseau African d'Education pour la Sante South AfricaWorld Vision South Africa SwedenKarolinska Institutet SwitzerlandWorld Health Organization UgandaWorld Vision UgandaWater4Makerere UniversityFoundation for International Medical Relief of Children United KingdomMedical Research Council ZambiaUniversity of ZambiaWorld Vision ZambiaSesame StreetWater4 ZimbabweWorld Vision Zimbabwe