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Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote discovery and innovation by providing Drexel University and external users access to advanced materials characterization instrumentation, training and expertise.

CRF about imageThe Materials Characterization Core (MCC) at Drexel University is a multi-user facility that provides technical expertise and instrumentation for research in variety of areas including nanoscience and engineering, polymer research, biomedical engineering, and chemistry and physics of solid materials. The MCC occupies a 3,500 square foot laboratory in the Bossone Research Enterprise Building on Drexel's main campus that houses several electron microscopes, X-ray diffractometers, an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer and a suite of sample preparation tools. The instruments are supported by three full-time Ph.D.-level staff members who provide expert consultation, training and assistance to MCC users. In addition to serving the research missions of our users, the MCC is used for teaching both Bossone building undergraduate and graduate level courses in Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, and Biology. MCC instrumentation and staff assistance is available to all Drexel University students, faculty and staff as well as external academic and commercial interests. Trained and certified users are welcome to work independently on our instruments 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


The MCC is located in room 106 of the Bossone Research Enterprise Center at 3126 Market Street in Philadelphia. Room 106 is on the ground floor in the southwest corner of the building. 

Mailing/Shipping Address

Materials Characterization Core
LeBow 344, Drexel University 
3141 Chestnut Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19104 