Olympus-IX81- Wide-field microscope

The Olympus IX81 is a fully automated inverted microscope - objectives are below the stage. This microscope is ideal for 2D and 3D imaging of fixed and live specimens. Excitation and emission filter wheels enable fast time-lapse imaging. The microscope is equipped with a temperature-controlled chamber for imaging living cells. 

A stereology application is available on the IX81. Stereological techniques are performed to estimate the total number, volume, and surface area of objects in a biological structure. For instance, stereology uses random and unbiased sampling of tissue sections to extrapolate the total number of cells in a 3D structure.

A color camera is also available for histochemical and immunohistochemical staining. 

Light Sources

Halogen lamp for bright-field microscopy

  • a contrast image of the specimen is obtained under the white light illumination

Mercury arc lamp for fluorescence microscopy 

  • excitation and emission filters are available for imaging different fluorescent probes

Excitation filters (nm)

Emission filters (nm) 

 Corresponding fluorescent probes

 381-393  420-460  DAPI
 475-495  510-540  GFP / YFP / FITC / Alexa 488 / Cy2
 547-573  589-625  tdTomato / mCherry / TRITC / Cy3
 643-657  672-696  Alexa 647 / Cy5
 426-450  467-599 / 528-556  CFP / YFP FRET pair


(Magnification / Numerical aperture)

  • 20x/0.7 Dry (Olympus)
  • 60x/1.4 Oil (Olympus)
  • 100x/1.4 Oil (Olympus)


Hamamatsu Orca-Flash4.0 (sCMOS camera)
Lumenera Infinity 1-3C (color CMOS camera)

Acquisition software

Slidebook 6 with 2D and 3D deconvolution module, and stereology module