Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Students in Drexel’s Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology undergraduate program learn how to frame and find answers to important questions regarding human behavior, cognition and emotion, and how to apply their findings to improve lives. Students have the opportunity to conduct research alongside the department’s distinguished faculty, who lead innovative research and clinical projects in areas including health, forensic, cognitive, human experimental, neuro and clinical psychology. Through Drexel’s renowned cooperative education program and faculty research projects, students gain hands-on, resume-enhancing experience to prepare them for the next step in their career.

BS in Psychology Areas of Focus

Mind, Brain and Behavior

The Mind, Brain and Behavior (MBB) area of focus allows psychology majors to concentrate their plan of study on how the mind and brain produce human behavior. Situating the mind within its biological substrate is one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century. MBB covers introductory through advanced courses, exposing students to the formal study of the human mind and behavior, and their underlying brain systems and structures.

Human Development

This area allows psychology major students to focus on issues affecting human development across the lifespan. Using a biological, cognitive and socio-emotional perspective, students gain both breadth and depth in the understanding of current issues in child, adolescent and adult development.

Clinical and Health

For psychology majors interested in health and service careers, this area of focus includes coursework, experiential learning, and individualized mentorship, providing students with practical experience in the field.

Learn more in the Course Catalog

Drexel Co-op for BS in Psychology Students

Through Drexel’s cooperative education (co-op) program, students embark on up to three, six-month periods of full-time employment, exploring their career options, strengthening their resumes and building a professional network in the process. Psychology majors find co-op positions in hospitals, school districts, independent research institutes, academic settings, and within Drexel faculty labs.

Learn more about co-op for psychology majors


A unique feature of our program is our Faculty First-Year Mentorship Program, which pairs new psychology majors with a faculty member with a similar clinical or research interest. During their first year at Drexel (as a freshman or transfer student), students meet with their faculty mentors once per term to explore their academic and professional goals, learn about the department’s resources and opportunities, and receive support and guidance as they adjust to life at Drexel. These interactions help psychology majors better understand how their interests align with faculty research programs, which can translate into lab participation opportunities, and help students and faculty members alike build relationships outside of the classroom.

Undergraduate Research in Psychology

By actively engaging in independent research alongside department faculty, psychology majors develop their skills as scientists and benefit from the close mentorship of faculty advisors, preparing them for successful experiences in graduate school. Undergraduate psychology students may conduct research for credit under two formal course mechanisms: Independent Study and the Senior Thesis.

Learn more about research opportunities

Study Psychology Abroad

The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences strongly encourages our students to take advantage of the rich experiences that come from international study, co-op and service activities. We encourage all of our majors to travel abroad, if possible, to nourish intellectual curiosity, gain an appreciation for cultural diversity, form new friendships and have fun. For more information, contact Reni Gibney at

Explore Drexel Study Abroad

Psychology Undergraduate STUDENT EXPERIENCE

The psychology undergraduate program offers many activities and clubs to help foster a sense of community within the department. The Psi Chi International Honor Society, Drexel Psychology Club and Students of Color in Psychology are active, student-led organizations that not only organize career, GRE and mock-interview workshops, but also host movie nights with the faculty and plan other social events.

Psychology Major Careers

Psychology prepares graduates for success in a range of clinical, behavioral, research and organizational careers. At Drexel, psychology majors gain marketable skills that are transferrable to many industries. Recent graduates have gone on to careers such as:

  • Clinical Trial Associate, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Research Assistant, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Neuropsychology Tech, Jefferson Health System
  • Psychological Assistant, the Lihn Center for Psychology
  • Many competitive law and graduate programs