Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences

The biological sciences encompass many fields. Biologists study the structure and functions of living organisms, from the individual cell to the whole organism and communities. In the past three decades, advances in molecular biology and genetics have been rapid, opening many new, exciting career opportunities in the fields of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Biology graduates can pursue a variety of options including graduate and professional school in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and other health-related areas, as well as careers in research or commercial laboratories, private and government agencies, and in teaching.

The Department of Biology recognizes and embraces advancements in the field and has created a number of concentrations to best prepare students for careers and graduate study. Within each concentration students may also select a focus area to further refine their field of study. Upon graduation, students will receive a degree reflecting their specific concentration.




General Biology

Organismal Biology/Physiology


Co-op for Biology Majors

Through Drexel Co-op, biological sciences majors gain up to 18 months of on-the-job experience — exploring their career options, strengthening their résumés and building a professional network in the process. This experience is crucial for biology majors interested in pursuing advanced degrees and careers in academia. It also gives graduates a competitive edge for careers in industry. Recent biological sciences majors have completed co-ops at:

  • Hospitals and health care companies like the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Pediatria and MossRehab.
  • Pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline, ViroPharma and AstraZeneca.
  • Faculty research labs at Drexel, the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers, Tufts and the Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • Government agencies, private research labs, non-profit organizations and many more!

Learn More About Co-op for Biology Majors


Our alums go on to have careers in medicine, veterinary sciences, dentistry and other allied health professions, including careers as physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists. Many hold research positions in the private sector; become technicians in government and academic labs; or work as research scientists and professors in diverse fields such as cancer biology, cell and molecular biology, neuroscience, immunology and forensic biology.

Other career paths include genetic counseling, clinical trials coordination, bioinformatics, genomics, clinical lab medicine, public health, policy, science journalism, teaching and law. Biologists may also be employed in “green” jobs in biotechnology, field research, evolutionary biology, biodiversity and conservation. The opportunities are numerous and varied.

Biology Resource Center

The Biology Resource Center is a walk-in tutoring center located in the Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building (PISB) room 121. Please note that course specific office hours are posted on the door.