
  • Autoimmune graphic

    Living with Autoimmune Illnesses

    March 31, 2020

    Kelly Joyce, PhD, a professor in the Department of Sociology and the Center for Science, Technology and Society (STS), and Mel Jeske, an alum of Drexel’s MS in STS program, published a series of articles that explore how people living in the United States make sense of and manage autoimmune illnesses.

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  • ‘But You Don’t Look Sick?’ How Broad Categories like Autoimmune Impact Patient Experience

    March 23, 2020

    <span>When your disease is hard to name and doesn&rsquo;t have visible symptoms, it can be hard for others to understand that you are sick. And, when people don&rsquo;t know much about your disease, it can be hard to explain it to family and friends.</span>

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