Center for Science, Technology & Society

Faculty and students in the Center for Science, Technology and Society systematically address our world’s most pressing technoscientific challenges and their social implications.

Drexel’s Center for Science, Technology and Society (STS) brings together faculty and students who investigate the social dimensions of technology, medicine and science. Faculty in a range of fields — anthropology, criminal justice, history, information sciences, philosophy, political science, public health and sociology — conduct original research on the impact of new technologies, medical categories and scientific knowledge. They also investigate why some technologies or scientific knowledge are adopted while others are not.

STS programs, also called science and technology studies, are growing in the U.S. and worldwide. The ability to critically identify the values and incentives built into scientific knowledge and technology design and use is highly valued in settings such as health care organizations, government agencies, public policy realms, tech industries and more.

The Center for Science, Technology & Society (STS) will no longer be accepting new students into the Master of Science in STS program after the Fall 2018 term. The Center for STS will remain an active research center in the College of Arts & Sciences and will continue to offer an undergraduate minor in STS.

What Can You Do With An Sts Degree?

To see the range of career paths taken by STS graduate students, check out our alumni. Among other things, STS graduates have gone on to do the following:

  • Work as a research analyst or research coordinator. Our alumni have gone on to design, conduct and manage research projects in a variety of settings. Many of our alumni have gone on to earn their PhDs and pursue careers conducting original research and teaching.
  • Work in universities. STS alumni work in a range of educational settings, providing leadership in areas such as community engagement, sustainability and the public understanding of science and technology.
  • Work in nonprofit organizations. STS students get excellent training in designing and implementing research projects. This skillset is invaluable in nonprofit settings where professionals are asked to conduct original social science research on pressing social challenges.
  • Work in technology or online. STS alums have gone on to work in IT and other technology-related companies, bringing their expertise in the social dimensions of technology to the workplace.
  • Create a startup. STS alums are creative, independent thinkers. Drawing on a desire to address contemporary social issues in an innovative manner, some STS alums create startup companies specializing in fields related to medicine and health, technology, and environmental issues.
  • Write. Building on the program’s emphasis on writing, some STS alums pursue writing careers, producing books, book chapters, articles, essays and/or speeches.
  • Work in healthcare. Some STS alums go on to work in health care settings, where they bring their knowledge about the ethical, cultural and social dimensions of health, science and well being to bear.
student Bill Drust
“I’m interested in the social impact of science and technology. I’m in it for the human element. I put myself in other people’s shoes, and I think that’s an important part of science that’s missing.”Bill DrustMS science, technology & society ‘15
PhD Student at Loyola University

Recent News

  • Photo of Christian Hunold on a blue and gold Drexel background Professor of Politics Christian Hunold, PhD, Named Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement Christian Hunold, PhD, professor of politics, has been appointed Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement, effective February 1. In his new role, Hunold will be responsible for leadership and oversight of faculty affairs tasks. He will also manage and review academic space in the College, assessing needs, priorities and allocations; supervise our IT support team; and represent CoAS on the Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement's university-wide committee of associate deans.
  • Blue Drexel dragon logo Kris Unsworth, PhD, Named Director of Center for Science, Technology & Society Kris Unsworth, PhD, from the Department of Criminology and Justice Studies, has been appointed director of the Center for Science, Technology and Society, effective Fall 2021. She will lead the planning and implementation of initiatives to increase the visibility of the Center both inside and outside the university.
  • Julian Stirling and Valerian Sanga assemble OpenFlexure Microscopes for display at GOSH Global 2018 Open Science Hardware Accelerates Innovation, Democratizes Science Open Science Hardware (OSH) could be a game changer for the democratization of science, as long as there is infrastructure to prevent recreating existing inequities. Julieta Arancio, a postdoctoral researcher under the mentorship of Gwen Ottinger, is studying the OpenFlexure project to develop policy recommendations for university management, researchers and anyone trying to promote OSH.
  • Four students face a white wall covered in colorful sticky notes Students Explore the Ethics of Science and Technology in STS Minor Appealing to a wide range of students—from those who are pre-med, studying engineering or computing and informatics, to students who are interested in the societal and ethical impact of science and technology—the Science, Technology and Society (STS) minor allows students to explore the cultural, ethical, historical, political and institutional dimensions of science, medicine and technology.
  • Headshots of Tim Hanlon and Angel Hogan

    #ForeverDragons: Save the Date for the CoAS Commencement 2021

    On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, the College of Arts and Sciences will celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2021 with a virtual commencement. The ceremony will be live-streamed from Mandell Theater, where a small party of dignitaries and speakers will gather.

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Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us

Center for Science, Technology & Society

3101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104