Center for Public Policy

The Center for Public Policy is a think tank focused on environmental policy, urban systems management, science and technology policy, and state and local government.

The Center for Public Policy (CPP) serves as an interdisciplinary hub for Drexel faculty who conduct policy-oriented research, and as an interface between those faculty and relevant government agencies and nonprofit organizations, especially those in the Philadelphia region.


The Center for Public Policy offers a Master of (MPP) in Public Policy and a Master of Science (MS) in Environmental Policy. The Master of Public Policy –which is offered in both in-person and online formats– is a professional master's degree designed for people who work, or would like to work, for government or nonprofit organizations. The MS in Environmental Policy prepares students for careers as policy analysts who have a strong commitment to environmental values, are scientifically and methodologically competent, and can work effectively on policy with various groups and institutions engaged in environmental issues.

Through a flexible course schedule that includes evening and online classes, students have the option of completing either of the master’s programs at a pace that suits them. On average, students can complete the public policy and environmental policy programs in as little as 18 months to two years.

Our joint JD-Master of Science in Public Policy program provides law students with a strong foundation in research, analysis, economics and law in tandem with hands-on learning and networking opportunities with nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Prospective and current law students may apply directly to the joint degree program through Drexel's Thomas R. Kline School of Law.

Learn More About the Public Policy Programs at Drexel

Careers In Public Service

Prospective students interested in the Master of Public Policy or the MS in Environmental Policy who would like to learn more about the job opportunities available in policy and administration should consult:

Public Policy Career Resources

Learn More About Careers with a Master of Public Policy

Environmental Policy Career Resources

Learn More About Careers with a MS in Environmental Policy

student Eli Gilman
“Drexel’s Public Policy program fit perfectly with where I wanted to go in my career. It was one of the biggest things that helped me conceptualize large institutional momentum and how to make change.”Eli GilmanMS public policy ’11
Director of Administration & Development
Foreign Policy Research Institute

Recent News

  • Mary Madsen smiles outside during golden hour, wearing a black turtleneck and glasses

    Catching up with Mary Madsen, MS Public Policy ’21

    Mary Madsen, MS public policy ’21, started her master's program before Covid and graduated with the pandemic in full swing. Originally from Texas, the culture shock of moving to Philadelphia with her husband and child was difficult to begin with, but especially challenging when she realized that she would be stuck in the city with no prospect of returning home due to travel restrictions. But Madsen made the most of her time here. As someone interested in education policy, it was a great opportunity for her to learn about how city councils and school districts work in times of crisis.

  • a wooden gavel sits beside a tincture and loose marijuana, representing the legal system's control over the substance

    Criminology and Justice Studies Professor Explores Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization in NJ with Reducing Inequality Research Grant

    Kathleen Powell plans to use the $544,000 grant from the William T. Grant Foundation to explore how the legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey affects Black, Hispanic and White young adults. 

  • Photo of Christian Hunold on a blue and gold Drexel background Professor of Politics Christian Hunold, PhD, Named Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement Christian Hunold, PhD, professor of politics, has been appointed Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement, effective February 1. In his new role, Hunold will be responsible for leadership and oversight of faculty affairs tasks. He will also manage and review academic space in the College, assessing needs, priorities and allocations; supervise our IT support team; and represent CoAS on the Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement's university-wide committee of associate deans.
  • Photo of Kathleen Powell on blue and gold Drexel background Meet Assistant Research Professor of Criminology and Justice Studies Kathleen Powell, PhD Kathleen Powell, PhD, is an assistant research professor in the Department of Criminology and Justice Studies, with a joint affiliation with the Center for Public Policy. Broadly, her research examines the various impacts of involvement with the juvenile and criminal justice systems. She focuses on identifying person-level outcomes of being arrested, on community supervision or incarcerated.
  • Headshots of Tim Hanlon and Angel Hogan

    #ForeverDragons: Save the Date for the CoAS Commencement 2021

    On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, the College of Arts and Sciences will celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2021 with a virtual commencement. The ceremony will be live-streamed from Mandell Theater, where a small party of dignitaries and speakers will gather.

More News

Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us

Center for Public Policy

3025 MacAlister Hall
3250-60 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Khushi Patel
Department Administrator
215.571.3852 |