Support for Faculty and Programs

University Writing Program

The Drexel Writing Center is located inside the Korman Center on campus.

The University Writing Program works with Drexel faculty and programs to develop writing assignments, learning experiences, and goals that enrich student outcomes. In addition, we administer the Writing Intensive course program in the curriculum through course applications and approvals. Consistent with Drexel’s unique brand of experiential learning, we provide expert consultation and collaboration that support faculty in helping students to build a foundation for a successful future.

To request a teaching consultation, please submit the Writing Consultation Form. If you have any questions, email Dan Driscoll, Coordinator, Writing Curriculum Initiatives, We look forward to hearing from you!

We also support faculty and staff in their own writing, through confidential, one-on-one consultation. We can discuss academic research, writing for the public, grant proposals, and any other professional writing projects that could use an objective writing professional’s perspective. We can discuss concerns such as developing a journal article, strategies for effective syntax, responding to reviewer comments, planning for a writing pipeline, conventions of written U.S. English, and more. We also host a weekly faculty and staff writing retreat, in a hybrid Zoom and in-person format. For more information, contact Liz Kimball.

Consultation and Collaboration for Teaching

The University Writing Program consults with faculty and staff across the university. We assist faculty with curricular initiatives that support and develop programmatic writing offerings, including Writing Intensive courses. We also work closely with faculty to help them teach writing in their courses.

Our team will help with many aspects of writing and writing process:

  • Identifying useful writing goals for academic programs and courses
  • Developing writing assignments and good feedback practices
  • Creating informal writing assignments to support student learning
  • Crafting and helping to facilitate writing workshops for classes and events

We can also visit your class as the Drexel Writing Center. We can bring our well-trained undergraduate Peer Reader writing consultants, graduate student consultants or anyone from our faculty and staff team. We offer several ways that you can integrate the Writing Center into your course teaching to help your students learn and support you as an instructor. Reach out to learn more!

Faculty and staff can submit our Writing Consultation Form to request help.

Request A Teaching Consultation

The University Writing Program team is eager to collaborate – submit our Writing Consultation Form and a member of our team will reach out to arrange a meeting with you.

Writing Consultation Form

Writing Intensive Courses

All Drexel undergraduate students must take three Writing Intensive courses before they graduate. Two of these courses must be within their major; the third course can be in the major or any discipline they choose. Writing Intensive courses are designed to help students by giving them opportunities to use writing as a tool for learning and by introducing them to the writing conventions and practices of their particular majors, fields and disciplines. As a result, students graduating from Drexel University demonstrate competency in an area of study by writing effectively.

Writing Intensive courses are identified as "WI" in the Drexel Course Catalog. Not all WI courses are offered each term. Students who have problems completing the writing intensive graduation requirement should contact their advisers.

The University Writing Program administers the Writing Intensive course program in the curriculum through course applications and approvals. In addition, we offer personalized consultations on course designs, assignments and assessment practices. Our team works with all university departments to support development of Writing Intensive course proposals. Writing Intensive course proposals are reviewed by the Writing Intensive course committee which designates courses through a straightforward, constructive certification process.

How to Propose a Course

Course Characteristics

Course Certification Process

Writing Intensive Course List

List updated as of July 1, 2024

Course Number Course Title Department
ANTH 212 Topics in World Ethnography Communication
ARCH 341 Theories of Architecture I Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 342 Theories of Architecture II Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 346 History Philadelphia Arch Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 347 Intensive Architectural Studies Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 348 Studies in Vernacular Architecture Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 421 Enviro Psych & Design Theory Architecture & Interior Design
ARCH 431 Architectural Programming Architecture & Interior Design
ARTH 300 History of Modern Design Visual Studies
ARTH 331 Global Material Culture Visual Studies
ARTH 335 History of Costume I Visual Studies
ARTH 336 History of Costume II Visual Studies
BACS 236 Psychiatric Rehab Princ/Pract Behavioral & Addictions Counseling
BACS 401 Assessment and Treatment Planning Behavioral & Addictions Counseling
BIO 219 Techniques in Molecular Biology Biology
BIO 473 Seminar in Biological Science Biology
BMES 302 Laboratory II: Biomeasurements Biomedical Engineering
BMES 491 Senior Design Project I Biomedical Engineering
BUSN 112 Career Management Business Residency General Business
CAE 491 Senior Design Project I Civil, Arch, & Environmental Engineering
CAE 492 Senior Design Project II Civil, Arch, & Environmental Engineering
CAE 493 Senior Design Project III Civil, Arch, & Environmental Engineering
CHE 351 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I Chemical Engineering
CHE 352 Chemical Engineering Laboratory II Chemical Engineering
CHE 453 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III Chemical Engineering
CHE 472 Process Design II Chemical Engineering
CHE 473 Process Design III Chemical Engineering
CHEM 231 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Chemistry
CHEM 357 Physical Chemistry Lab I Chemistry
CHEM 431 Analytical Chemistry II Chemistry
CI 491 Senior Project I Computing and Informatics
CI 492 Senior Project II Computing and Informatics
CI 493 Senior Project III Computing and Informatics
CIVE 477 Seminar I Civil, Arch, & Environ Engr
CIVE 478 Seminar II Civil, Arch, & Environ Engr
CMGT 240 Economic Planning for Construction Construction Management
CMGT 385 Sell & Negotiate Tech in Constr Construction Management
CMGT 491 Senior Capstone I Construction Management
CMGT 492 Senior Capstone II Construction Management
COM 160 Introduction to Journalism Communication
COM 215 Communication Resources Communication
COM 261 Advanced Journalism Communication
COM 270 Business Communication Communication
COM 282 Public Relations Writing Communication
COM 310 Technical Communication Communication
COM 315 Investigative Journalism Communication
COM 317 Environmental Communication Communication
COM 320 Science Writing Communication
COM 335 Digital Publishing Communication
COM 350 Document Design and Evaluation Communication
COM 375 Grant Writing Communication
CSDN 101 Introduction to Multi-Disciplinary Methods Custom-Designed Major
CSDN 210 Methods of Interdisciplinary Inquiry Custom-Designed Major
CSDN 220 Integrative Research Methods Custom-Designed Major
CT 491 Senior Project I Computing Technology
CT 496 Senior Project II Computing Technology
CULA 405 Culture and Gastronomy I Culinary Arts
DIGM 308 Digital Cultural Heritage Digital Media
DIGM 350 Digital Storytelling Cinema & Television
DIGM 451 Explorations in New Media Cinema & Television
DIGM 475 Seminar: The Future of Digital Media Cinema & Television
DSMR 233 Branding and Retail Strategies Design
DSMR 315 Media Merchandising I Design
DSMR 321 Fashion Show Production I Design
DSMR 477 Design & Merchandising Seminar Design
DSMR 496 Senior Problem in Design & Merchandising Design
EAM 215 Writing for Arts Managers Entertainment & Arts Management
EAM 308 Entertainment Promotion and Branding Entertainment & Arts Management
ECE 491 Senior Design Project I Electrical & Computer Engr
ECE 492 Senior Design Project II Electrical & Computer Engr
ECE 493 Senior Design Project III Electrical & Computer Engr
ECEL 301 Electrical Engineering Laboratory Electrical & Computer Engr
ECON 203 Survey of Economic Policy Economics
ECON 322 Economics Seminar Economics
ECON 326 Economics Ideas Economics
ECON 350 Applied Econometrics Economics
EDEX 368 Literacy and Content Skill Development PK-12 School of Education
EDEX 414 Spec Ed: Field Placement Sem School of Education
EDUC 305 Junior Pedagogy Seminar School of Education
EDUC 326 Language Arts Processes School of Education
EDUC 409 Student Teaching Seminar I Teacher Education
EDUC 410 Student Teaching School of Education
EET 333 Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials Engineering
EGMT 404 Introduction to Engineering Communication Engineering Management
ENGL 200 Classical to Medieval Literature English & Philosophy
ENGL 202 Romanticism to Modernism English & Philosophy
ENGL 203 Survey of World Literature English & Philosophy
ENGL 205 American Literature I English & Philosophy
ENGL 206 American Literature II English & Philosophy
ENGL 207 African American Literature English & Philosophy
ENGL 211 British Literature I English & Philosophy
ENGL 215 Readings in Poetry English & Philosophy
ENGL 216 Readings in Drama English & Philosophy
ENGL 300 Literature & Science English & Philosophy
ENGL 305 The Mystery Story English & Philosophy
ENGL 308 The Literature of Business English & Philosophy
ENGL 310 Period Studies English & Philosophy
ENGL 315 Shakespeare English & Philosophy
ENGL 320 Major Authors English & Philosophy
ENGL 340 Classical Rhetoric English & Philosophy
ENGL 355 Women and Literature English & Philosophy
ENGL 360 Literature and Society English & Philosophy
ENGL 395 Special Studies in Literature English & Philosophy
ENTP 210 Leading Start-Ups Entrepreneurship and Innovation
ENTP 225 Mindfulness & Wellbeing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
ENTP 410 Thought Leadership Entrepreneurship and Innovation
ENVE 491 Senior Project Design I Environmental Engineering
ENVE 492 Senior Design Project II Environmental Engineering
ENVE 493 Senior Design Project III Environmental Engineering
ENVS 441 Issues in Global Change I: Seminar Biology
FASH 335 History of Costume I: Preclassical to 1800 Fashion Design
FASH 336 Historty of Costume II: 1800-1920 Fashion Design
FREN 310 Advanced Writing and Speaking Global Studies & Modern Languages
FREN 410 Advanced Grammar and Translation Global Studies & Modern Languages
GEO 201 Earth Systems Processes Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science
GER 310 Advanced Writing and Speaking Global Studies & Modern Languages
GER 410 Advanced Grammar and Translation Global Studies & Modern Languages
HIST 331 The American Revolution History
HIST 338 The Vietnam War History
HIST 490 Senior Seminar I History
HIST 491 Senior Seminar II History
HSAD 331 Non-profits and Health Care Health Services Administration
HSAD 332 Health-Care Marketing Health Services Administration
HSAD 335 Health-Care Policy Health Services Administration
INFO 324 Team Process & Product Information Science & Systems
INTR 300 Visual Culture: Interiors Architecture & Interior Design
INTR 305 Visual Culture: Furniture Architecture & Interior Design
INTR 450 Professional Practice Architecture & Interior Design
JAPN 310 Advanced Writing and Speaking Global Studies & Modern Languages
JAPN 410 Advanced Grammar and Translation Global Studies & Modern Languages
LAW 301 Legal Reasoning Law
LAW 495 Capstone Seminar in Law Law
MATE 366 Processing of Metallic Materials Materials Sci and Engineering
MATE 491 Senior Project Design I Materials Sci and Engineering
MATE 493 Senior Project Design III Materials Sci and Engineering
MATH 220 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Mathematics
MATH 222 Combinatorics Mathematics
MATH 318 Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software Mathematics
MEM 462 Intro To Engr Mgmt Mechanical Engr & Mechanics
MEM 491 Senior Design Project I Mechanical Engr & Mechanics
MEM 492 Senior Design Project II Mechanical Engr & Mechanics
MEM 493 Senior Design Project III Mechanical Engr & Mechanics
MET 421 Senior Design Project I Manufacturing Engineering Technology
MET 423 Senior Design Project III Manufacturing Engineering Technology
MIP 293 Survey of Music Production Music Industry Program
MIP 375 Marketing and Promo in Music Industry Music Industry Program
MIP 490 Music Industry Research Methods Music Industry Program
MUSC 338 American Popular Music Performing Arts
NURS 317 Genetics for Healthcare Professionals CNHP - Bachelor's Degree
NURS 325 Critical Issues in Nursing CNHP - Bachelor's Degree
NURS 330 Research Basis of Nursing CNHP - Bachelor's Degree
NURS 407 Issues in Aging and Longevity CNHP - Bachelor's Degree
NURS 423 Research Basis of Nursing Practice CNHP - Bachelor's Degree
ORGB 300 Organizational Behavior Management
PBHL 498 Capstone Experience II Public Health
PBHL 499 Capstone Experience III Public Health
PHIL 381 Philosophy in Literature English & Philosophy
PHIL 481 Seminar in a Philosophical School English & Philosophy
PHIL 485 Seminar in a Major Philosopher English & Philosophy
PHIL 497 Senior Essay I: Research & Thesis Development English & Philosophy
PHIL 498 Senior Essay II: Argument Construction English & Philosophy
PHIL 499 Senior Essay III: Defense English & Philosophy
PHTO 275 History of Photography I Photography
PHTO 276 History of Photography II Photography
PHTO 452 History of Contemporary Photography Photography
PHYS 328 Advanced Laboratory Physics
PHYS 493 Senior Research III Physics
PSCI 131 Research Design for Political Science Political Science
PSCI 260 Power in Protest: Social Movements in Comparative Perspective Political Science
PSY 240 Abnormal Psychology Psychology
PSY 245 Sports Psychology Psychology
PSY 250 Industrial Psychology Psychology
PSY 320 Educational Psychology Psychology
PSY 360 Experimental Psychology Psychology
PSY 490 Psychology Senior Thesis I Psychology
PSY 491 Psychology Senior Thesis II Psychology
PSY 492 Psychology Senior Thesis III Psychology
SCRP 270 Screenwriting I Cinema & Television
SCRP 275 Screenwriting II Cinema & Television
SCRP 280 Writing the Short Film Cinema & Television
SMT 340 International Aspects of Sport Sport Management
SOC 355 Classical Social Theory Sociology
SOC 356 Contemporary Social Theory Sociology
SPAN 310 Advanced Writing and Speaking Global Studies & Modern Languages
SPAN 410 Advanced Grammar and Translation Global Studies & Modern Languages
THTR 121 Dramatic Analysis Performing Arts
THTR 221 Theatre History I Performing Arts
THTR 222 Theatre History II Performing Arts
VSCM 350 Graphic Design 20th C & Beyond Media Arts
WRIT 210 The Peer Reader in Context English & Philosophy
WRIT 215 Story Medicine English & Philosophy
WRIT 220 Creative Nonfiction Writing English & Philosophy
WRIT 225 Creative Writing English & Philosophy
WRIT 301 Writing Poetry English & Philosophy
WRIT 302 Writing Fiction English & Philosophy
WRIT 312 Writing for Target Audiences English & Philosophy
WRIT 400 Writing in Cyberspace English & Philosophy