
The Department of English and Philosophy offers undergraduates firsthand experience and faculty mentorship in the fields of writing, editing and publishing via the Drexel Publishing Group and its publications. The department also exposes students to various genres of writing and publishing at the annual Drexel Writing Festival. Numerous contests and awards are held throughout the year to honor undergraduates who demonstrate excellence in critical, creative and academic writing.  Additionally, faculty in the department serve as editors of numerous publications.

Drexel Publishing Group

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The Drexel Publishing Group (DPG) produces The 33rd and Write Now Philly. These publications highlight outstanding writing from Drexel students and faculty, as well as other authors.

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The 33rd

The 33rd: An Anthology

The 33rd is a multi-genre anthology of interdisciplinary student and faculty writing. It incorporates the winners of the Freshman Writing Contest and the Publishing Group Essay Contest. The published pieces include student's personal and research essays, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, humor, and opinion/editorial, along with works by current Drexel University faculty members.

Released annually in the fall term, The 33rd is used as a teaching tool in the freshman writing curriculum. The student staff involved in the publication of The 33rd share responsibilities like assisting in submission management of writing contests and faculty writing, promoting and advertising for contests, copy-editing and completing other organizational, pre-publication tasks, as well as distributing the anthology.

Write Now Philly

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Write Now Philly is an online magazine devoted to writing, books, literature, publishing, and the literary community, with a focus on the Philadelphia area. Founded in 2019, Write Now Philly publishes book reviews and articles and announces new book releases. Student staff members help run the magazine and gain experience working on articles and book reviews.

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Student Publications

Maya Online

Maya Literary Magazine of Drexel University

For over 40 years, Maya has been Drexel University’s student-run, undergraduate literary magazine, publishing student poetry, prose, short fiction and non-fiction pieces, as well as graphics, illustrations, photography and other art. Maya provides the student body the opportunity to get their work published, and additionally, by having a student staff, we offer those interested in writing, publishing, public relations and design the chance to gain valuable hands-on experience. By being both within and yet not run by the University, Maya creates an atmosphere of artistic freedom that allows individual creativity to thrive.

Maya holds an annual release party for each issue produced in late spring, as well as various events and open mics throughout the year to promote the publication. Maya also holds an annual Fall Writing contest where undergraduate writers can submit their work in the following categories: Nonfiction, Fiction, and Poetry. In addition to the Fall Writing contest, Maya accepts submissions all year.

The magazine's editorial staff comprises Drexel undergraduates from various majors and educational backgrounds. Staff members are responsible for collecting submissions, attending editorial meetings, fundraising, organizing events, designing and promoting each annual issue, and day-to-day operations of the magazine. Maya is a recognized Drexel student organization; its academic adviser is Kathleen Volk Miller.

Faculty Edited Publications

The faculty in the Department of English and Philosophy serve as the editors of both journals and literary magazines. These publications include:

Journal of Modern Literature

Journal of Modern Literature

Paula Marantz Cohen, co-editor
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Per Contra

Per Contra

Miriam Kotzin, founding editor
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JALA: Journal of the African Literature Association

Journal of the African Literature Association

Abioseh Porter, editor
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Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature

Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature

Doreen Alvarez Saar, American literature editor
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Write Now Philly

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Scott Stein, founding editor
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Painted Bride Quarterly

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Kathleen Volk Miller, co-editor
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