Degrees in English and Philosophy

The Department of English and Philosophy offers a Bachelor of Arts in both English and Philosophy, a Master of Science in Publishing, and Minors in English, Philosophy, and Writing. We also offer a variety of certificate programs including Medical Humanities, Philosophy in the Arts and Humanities, Philosophy in Science and Technology, and Writing and Publishing.

The department further develops and supports the reading, writing and critical-thinking skills of all Drexel students through the First-Year Writing Program. Creative writing, literature and philosophy courses are offered as both electives and required courses to complement a variety of programs across the University. These courses provide ongoing experience in reading, writing and critical thinking beyond the freshman year, and allow students to expand their cultural horizons.

English (BA)

With a Bachelor of Arts in English, you will have the opportunity to be part of a writing and publishing community. At Drexel, you can work with the Drexel Publishing Group (DPG) where you can publish even as a first-year student in The 33rd, an anthology of Drexel student and faculty writing, or become an intern at Painted Bride Quarterly, an internationally recognized literary magazine.

You will work with professors who are deeply immersed in their subjects and are working editors at scholarly and/or creative journals such as Painted Bride Quarterly, The Journal of African Literature Association, Rocky Mountain Review, PerContra, and Press One. On a competitive basis, students are able to work with faculty on their scholarly or creative projects.

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English (BA) + Strategic & Digital Communication (MS) — Accelerated Degree

The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most sought-after skills by prospective employers. Drexel University is committed to building this strong foundation through the Accelerated Degree option, which enables academically qualified students to earn both a bachelor's and master’s degree — graduating sooner than they would in traditional programs. Graduates of the accelerated degree enter the workforce one year sooner with the benefits of both a bachelor's degree in English and a master’s degree in Strategic & Digital Communication, using the year saved to gain full-time experience and earn a salary in the field.

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Philosophy (BA)

The Drexel philosophy program is organized around the idea that the study of philosophy should help students confront life's most difficult and complex challenges, including those of work. Philosophy classes at Drexel involve students in the active development of their reflective, creative, rational, logical and linguistic abilities by engaging them with the problems of life and the world. Our students learn how all the questions we ask in any field of practical work imply answers to broader questions we could reflect upon and refine to help us better understand and accomplish our aims.

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Philosophy, Politics & Economics (BA)

Drexel University’s Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) exemplifies the University’s commitment to a comprehensive education at the intersection of thought and practice. A joint endeavor of the School of Economics, the Department of Politics and the Department of English and Philosophy, the BA in PPE provides a multidisciplinary foundation for students who want to address the complex, interconnected challenges of contemporary life. Students in the program build on a foundation of rigorous philosophical thought, applied research skills, and scientifically grounded political and economic theory. Each discipline enhances the others by providing complementary and critical perspectives on the subject matter.

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English (Minor)

The Minor English helps students from all disciplines pursue their passion, demonstrate empathy, improve their reading and writing skills and expand their critical and creative abilities.

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Philosophy (Minor)

The Minor in Philosophy adds depth to students’ education, breadth to their intelligence, and value to their degree. Philosophical study helps train students’ minds to be flexible and strong, and gives them the opportunity to expand their reflective and thoughtful dimensions. These qualities enhance students’ ability to be successful in their chosen career and help put life and work in perspective.

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Writing (Minor)

The Minor in Writing offers further study and practice of writing, with the goal of helping students use writing to think critically and creatively, and to communicate more effectively within and beyond their chosen disciplines. Students also gain significant practice and experience in a variety of genres and contexts.

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