The Department of English and Philosophy offers five certificate programs to enhance the academic skillset of students across the University: Ethical Theory and Practice, Medical Humanities; Philosophy in the Arts and Humanities; Philosophy in Science and Technology; and Writing and Publishing.
Ethical Theory and Practice
The Certificate in Ethical Theory and Practice exemplifies Drexel's commitment to engaged education and the Philosophy Program's emphasis on the inter-involvement of theory and practice. In our family, civic, work, and professional lives, we are confronted with issues of conduct and choices about what to do, what to create, how to move through the world and what kind of persons to be. This Certificate reflects each student's potential to move through the world as a positive and constructive force no matter what field of endeavor he or she may pursue.
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Health and Medical Humanities
The Certificate in Medical Humanities creates an interdisciplinary framework for investigating the challenges within medicine and caregiving. Our aim is to promote dialogue and mutual appreciation for various approaches to health-related topics. These perspectives encourage students to explore illness, disability, dying and healing as human experiences influenced by cultural factors and personal value systems. This format also allows students to evaluate some of the limitations of an exclusively scientific orientation towards health care and research.
This program is especially relevant to those in or training for health care professions and research-related fields, and may appeal to students in a range of disciplines. The co-directors of the program and student advisers help students choose courses best suited to their personal and professional interests.
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Philosophy, Arts & Humanities
A Certificate in Philosophy, Arts and Humanities (6 classes, 18 credits) will enhance any student's college experience, regardless of their major. Philosophical study is a way to explore the full variety of questions about life, reality and meaning. Philosophy classes are also an excellent preparation for the widest range of careers, including law because it helps us develop reasoning and argumentation skills that make us better listeners, speakers, readers, writers and thinkers. All of these skills and the attitudes that go with them make us better able to think for ourselves and understand and make our own choices in life.
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Philosophy, Science and Technology
A Certificate in Philosophy, Science and Technology (6 classes, 18 credits) will enhance any student's college experience, regardless of their major. Philosophical study is a way to explore the full variety of questions about life, reality and meaning. Philosophy classes are also an excellent preparation for the widest range of careers, including law because it helps us develop reasoning and argumentation skills that make us better listeners, speakers, readers, writers, and thinkers. All of these skills and the attitudes that go with them make us better able to think for ourselves and understand and make our own choices in life.
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Writing and Publishing
The Certificate in Writing and Publishing (CWP) provides both professional and personal development through a combination of courses in professional writing, creative writing and publishing that emphasize both theory and practical application. The certificate enhances employment opportunities for placement in Drexel's co-op program and in the post-degree job market as skills are acquired. As students' writing skills and associated professional knowledge develop and improve, so too does their on-the-job performance.
Completion of the Certificate in Writing and Publishing highlights student skills more visibly than a list of courses on a transcript. This can be particularly helpful to students majoring in science, business or technical areas in which writing skills are extremely valuable but often underdeveloped.
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