Department of English & Philosophy

English and Philosophy students gain real-world experience in Drexel’s Co-op program, the Drexel Publishing Group, Community-Based Learning courses and more.

Drexel University’s Department of English and Philosophy offers undergraduate degrees in English, with concentrations in Literary Studies and Writing; Philosophy; and Philosophy, Politics and Economics; as well as a variety of minors and certificate programs.

The Drexel Co-Op

Through Drexel's renowned cooperative education program, students embark on up to three, six-month periods of full-time employment, exploring their career options, strengthening their résumés and building a professional network in the process.

Learn more about the Drexel Co-Op Program

Community-Based Learning

From writing the life journal of a hospice patient, to exploring war stories alongside veterans, our unique Community-Based Learning courses allow students to gain a deeper appreciation for course material as they learn alongside our community.

See Available Community-based Learning Classes

Drexel Publishing Group

Students interested in writing, editing and publishing can build their skills in those areas by working with the Drexel Publishing Group, which oversees The 33rd, Write Now Philly, and related projects. Students can also work with Maya, Drexel’s student-run, undergraduate literary magazine.

Events with Writers and Thinkers

Students gain insider insight into the fields of literature, writing and philosophy through a wide variety of events. The department has hosted discussions with experts like Anthony DeCurtis, contributing editor for Rolling Stone; Buzz Bissinger, author of “Friday Night Lights;” and distinguished philosophers like Robert Audi, Sally Haslanger and Neil Sinhibabu. The English program presents an annual Drexel Writing Festival featuring invited guests and workshops, while the Philosophy program holds a Faculty Work-in-Progress series attended by students and faculty alike.

Learn more about Our Events

student Niayla-Dia Murray
“I wanted a field of study that would fuel my curious nature and allow me to apply what I’m learning to modern-day issues. It turns out that I absolutely love my philosophy major.” Niayla-Dia MurrayBA Philosophy & BA Political Science ‘20
Read Niayla-Dia's Story

Recent News

  • Faculty members gather at the Innovation Incubator kickoff event

    College of Arts and Sciences Launches Innovation Incubator for Faculty Collaboration

    The Arts and Sciences Innovation Incubator brings together faculty members in diverse areas of expertise to collaborate on research projects that find creative ways to address some of our society's most challenging obstacles.

  • New faculty joining the College of Arts and Sciences this fall

    Meet the New Faculty Members Joining the College of Arts and Sciences this Fall

    The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to welcome 14 new faculty members to our learning community this fall. 

  • Graduate Student commencement speaker Monique D. Clark

    Meet Graduate Student Commencement Speaker Monique D. Clark

    Monique D. Clark will represent graduate students as a student speaker at the 2023 College of Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony on Thursday, June 15. Clark graduates with her MFA in creative writing. Learn more about her in this Q&A. 

  • CoAS faculty published many books in 2022

    Celebrating CoAS Authors

    Congratulations to the College of Arts and Sciences faculty and students who were honored at the 11th annual Celebrating Drexel Authors event. Hosted by the Drexel University Libraries and the Office of the Provost, this event recognized members of the Drexel community who authored or edited books or highly-cited journal articles in 2022. 

  • Drexel College of Arts and Sciences 2023 student commencement speakers Monique D. Clark and María Paula (MaPa) Mijares Torres

    Announcing the 2023 Student Commencement Speakers

    The 2023 College of Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony will feature two student speakers: María Paula (MaPa) Mijares Torres will serve as our undergraduate commencement speaker, and Monique D. Clark will serve as our graduate commencement speaker. 

More News

Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Undergraduate Advising

Paige Chmielewski, Academic Adviser, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences

Paige Chmielewski

Senior Academic Adviser
Korman Center 297
215.895.0271 |

Kate Hughes, Associate Director of Advising and Student Success, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences

Kate Hughes

Associate Director of Programming and Partnerships
Academic Building, 311


Sharpened pencils in a cup

Drexel Storylab is a College of Arts and Sciences initiative housed in the Department English and Philosophy. Storylab is a creative and professional resource for non-traditional students: professional adults, Drexel Alumni, current Drexel professors and other interested community members.

Learn More About Storylab

Contact Us

Department of English & Philosophy

5016 MacAlister Hall
3250-60 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Main office: 215.895.6911
Drexel Writing Center: 215.895.6633