Accelerated Degree in Global Studies and Strategic & Digital Communication (BA + MS)

Earn Your Advanced Degree Sooner

The accelerated degree in Global Studies and Strategic & Digital Communication (BA + MS) provides students with an interdisciplinary, intercultural and interactive program with four concentrations: media, arts and cultures; justice and human rights; business, economics and development; and health and sustainability. Global Studies students develop the critical skills to understand global political, social, and economic trends, while the master's degree will further deepen students’ practical and professional experience in the communications field. Graduates of the accelerated degree enter the workforce one year sooner with the benefits of an advanced degree in Communication, using the year saved to gain full-time experience and earn a salary in the field.

Drexel’s Master of Science in Strategic & Digital Communication program offers specialization in three areas: Public communication; Technical communication, and Science and health communication.

Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!