AgeWell Collaboratory | College of Nursing and Health Professions | Drexel University
three retired men

CNHP’s AgeWell Collaboratory brings together researchers, community-based organizations and educators to disrupt the traditional approach towards caring for older adults and pave the way for new, proven strategies that improve healthy aging across the lifespan.

AgeWell Collaboratory

As more of us live longer, we have a powerful opportunity to reimagine healthcare in ways that help us remain active and vital in our homes and communities. At Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions (CNHP), we believe that we need to re-engineer our current programs and policies to better serve the growing numbers of people aging with chronic conditions and overcome the preparatory limitations of today’s healthcare workforce.

CNHP’s AgeWell Collaboratory serves as a center without walls to bring together researchers, community-based organizations and educators to disrupt the traditional healthcare system’s approach towards caring for older adults and to pave the way for new, proven strategies that improve healthy aging across the lifespan.

The AgeWell Collaboratory is developing innovative approaches to:

  • Prepare clinicians in all disciplines to address the needs of a diverse and growing older population.
  • Generate and test novel solutions for enhancing the everyday life of all of us as we age.
  • Disseminate new, evidence-based knowledge and care models via community engagement strategies and a wide range of professional outlets.

Video Resources

Disrupt Disparities Event

Strategies to support informal carers of people with dementia

Briefing: Brain Health Across the Lifespan

Age-Friendly Drexel University

Drexel University became the first age-friendly university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2019. We are reimagining our campus as a “community for life” through creating learning environments that disrupt ageism, embrace people of all ages, foster intergenerational connectivity, and innovate through age-related research from the cellular to the societal levels. Leading this effort is the College of Nursing and Health Professions AgeWell Collaboratory, with critical support from leadership in government relations, faculty advancement, community engagement, human resources, online learning, alumni affairs and others. We have over 75 committed community partners; a robust Cell2Society Research Network with over 20 faculty; specific courses for older professionals in our Goodwin College of Professional Studies; and our health centers and Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships are providing much needed age-friendly support and care to older residents. Please join us for our online global symposium on September 9, 2020: The New Normal for Higher Education: Understanding and Embracing and Aging Society.


Our Team     Get Involved     News

Evidence-Based Programs     Research Studies     Daylight Café

For more information, please contact us at AGEWELL@Drexel.edu.