Text reads Center for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation and Practice accompanied by collage of lab photos

Standardized Patient Lab

Health care professional interviews patient sitting on exam table

Using highly-trained standardized patients, students practice history and physical examinations, communication skills and relationship building. Depending on the discipline, our spaces can flex to be an outpatient medical office, a therapy office or an apartment for homecare.

All learners at CNHP learn domain specific skills and can participate in interprofessional care in the simulation lab. Learning how to work in teams and understanding each other’s roles and perspective prepares clinicians to care for diverse patients and families across the continuum of care. Faculty design cases with the simulation specialists to support the learners to practice the skills needed in their profession.

The standardized patients are trained to deliver meaningful feedback, and faculty lead reflective conversations to support learners engaging in critical self-reflection and personal and professional growth. The labs are equipped with a state-of-the-art recording system that learners can access and review their own performance, identify opportunities for development and reflect on their newly acquired skills.