Curriculum Design and Quality Improvement

Assessment and Outcomes at Drexel

To learn more about assessment and outcomes at Drexel University, visit Drexel's Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness website.

You will find the assessment website to be a repository of information on assessment instruments and methodologies, teaching and learning, etc., along with such resources as developing course and program level outcomes, curriculum mapping, tools for rubric creation, glossaries, and National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) newsletters. You will also be able to discover information about the Drexel Student Learning Priorities (DSLP's), which signals our commitment to graduate students who are much more than just technically competent.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Proposed Changes to the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Design and Assessment

 Program Enrollment and Degree Data