Biomedical Engineering Week

Presented by Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB)

Bossone Lobby Poster Presentations
Monday 5/16
9 AM – 4 PM
Bossone 709

Senior Design Presenations
Full Schedule of Presentations

6 – 8 PM
PISB 109

Movie: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
Join us for a screening of Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement, an award winning documentary that explores the social impact of human biotechnologies and makes you rethink the definitions of "disability" and "normalcy." Dr. Barbee will start off the topic, and after the documentary the floor will be opened up for further discussion.
Food will be provided

Tuesday 5/17
1 – 2 PM
LeBow 241

Resume Review Workshop
Join us from 1-2PM to brush up your resume at our Resume Workshop co-hosted by the Steinbright Center.
Light refreshment will be served

5 – 6 PM
Bossone 709

Interview Workshop
Join us from 5-6PM to brush up your interviewing skills at our Interview Do's and Don't Workshop co-hosted with Steinbright Center and Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Light refreshment will be served

Wednesday 5/18
11 AM – 3 PM
Volleyball Courts

BME Picnic
Join your fellow biomedical engineers for a free picnic on the Buckley Green volleyball court. There will be games, good company, and a delicious spread of catered food! All students, faculty, and staff of the School of Biomedical Engineering are invited.
Food will be provided

6 – 7 PM
Mitchell Auditorium 1st Floor Bossone

Game Night
Join for Who Wants to Be A Millionaire! on Wednesday, May 18th, from 6-7PM in Mitchell Auditorium! Watch as your fellow Biomed professors and classmates team up to answer questions in one of the best trivia games ever played! Whoever goes the furthest wins! You don't want to miss it! Featured by Drexel Biomedical Engineer Undergraduate Association (DBUA)
Food will be provided

7:30 – 9 PM
Mitchell Auditorium 1st Floor Bossone

Guest Speakers
Join us for an exciting talk by Dr. Kathryn Rieger and Mr. Alan Levy. Dr. Rieger has been working in industry for over 15 years, and is the founder of Cognitive Design. She will be speaking about her work in Human Factors Engineering. Mr. Levy is from the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering - Delaware Valley Chapter (ISPE-DVC). He will be speaking about roles engineers play in the pharmaceutical industry, tips for finding jobs and networking, and will give some early career guidance.
Food will be provided

Thursday 5/19
11 AM – 1 PM
Bossone 3rd Floor Atrium

Faculty Appreciation Lunch
Come and join AEMB for lunch with BME faculties and staffs. This is a great opportunity to express appreciation to our great BME department with their great help and support, especially for Graduating Seniors.
Food will be provided

5 – 7 PM
Landmark Americana

Alumni Connection
Join us from 5-7PM on May 17th at Landmark Americana located on Drexel University Main Campus to connect and socialize with graduating seniors and recent Drexel BME grads. Drexel BME Alumni’s. Alumni connections is hosted by Drexel AEMB. There will be plenty of opportunities for fun, food, and refreshments!