Israel Partnerships

Our Collaboration with Hebrew University: 

We have been developing a multifunction optical system and conduct animal studies to investigate cerebral and somatic signals in hemorrhage assessment. In the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, they conduct several clinical and animal model studies including swine model for hepatic laceration, junctional bleeding and controlled hemorrhagic shock. We jointly work on a funded project focusing on test of the optical sensor prototype in an adult pig model of controlled hemorrhagic shock and uncontrolled hemorrhage by liver laceration.

Joint Grants (Funded): 

Dr. Kurtulus Izzetoglu (PI) and his colleagues were awarded a 2-year, $1.86 million grant from the U.S. DoD - USAMRAA / Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) for the project entitled ‘Portable Diffuse Optical Sensors for Point-of-Care Monitoring in Prolonged Field Care’. Our colleagues at the Hebrew University- Faculty of Medicine have been working on the efforts for large animal studies.

Drexel Student in Israel:

Pamela Graney, PhD student in BIOMED (Advisor: K. Spiller), was selected to receive the 2015-¬2016 Louis and Bessie Stein Family Fellowship for Exchanges with Israeli Universities. The team also received a $4000 grant from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation to support Pamela’s visit to Israel. Pamela's selection was based on her project titled, "Modulating Macrophage Behavior in Blood Vessel Development and Maintenance" in the lab of Dr. Shulamit Levenberg in the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. This award carries with it a $20,000 fellowship and the title of "Stein Fellow." From Pamela’s research visit to Israel, the team published a manuscript entitled, ”Macrophages of diverse phenotypes drive vascularization of engineered tissues.”