Peer Review of Teaching (PRT) Toolkit
This toolkit was designed by the Teaching and Learning Center, the Office of Assessment and Accreditation, and the Office of Faculty Advancement at Drexel University to support faculty and academic leaders in developing and implementing peer review of teaching (PRT) within their units. The information, resources, videos, and examples provided within this toolkit were curated and developed from peer-reviewed sources, peer institutions, and interviews with Drexel faculty and staff.
How to use this toolkit.
To best establish a peer review process in your department, school, or college, we recommend that unit leaders create a faculty working group or committee to lead the development and implementation process. Regular check-ins with faculty and stakeholders should be scheduled to provide transparency and gather community feedback as the process is developed.
It is rare that all faculty within a unit will provide unanimous support for a peer review process or that the working group will create a perfect instrument and protocol. A regular review of the process, instrument, and impact should be performed every few years for continuous improvement.