Opportunities for Students

Drexel students are passionate about and deeply engaged in issues of sustainability. There are several student organizations that offer a range of perspectives and activities. Getting involved in student organizations is a chance to meet like-minded peers, develop leadership skills, and make an impact while finding lifelong friends.

Student Organizations

Find more information about sustainability-focused student organizations on their DragonLink pages:

  • Eco-Reps is a new student-led sustainability ambassador program that coordinates closely with the staff Climate & Sustainability Working Group.
  • The Drexel Sierra Club is a peer environmental awareness club that spreads awareness and appreciation of the natural world.
  • Drexel Urban Growers manages a shared community garden at the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships.
  • Drexel Sharp addresses WASH issues – water, sanitation, and hygiene – through awareness activities and fundraising.
  • Weekend Warriors organizes outdoors-focused field trips throughout the academic year, including kayaking, hiking, and more.
  • Sharing Excess addresses food insecurity and food waste.

Service Opportunities

All students are required to take CIVIC 101 as a part of their experience at Drexel University to get exposure to what service opportunities are available locally and how they can get involved. It is absolutely encouraged that students engage and involve themselves beyond this course and the Lindy Center is available to help!

For service opportunities specifically related to sustainability, students can go to the Galaxy database to seek out various ongoing opportunities with Drexel’s partner organizations. You can use keywords like “environment” and “sustainable” to focus your database search.

Sustainability and Your Career

We prepared this short video to share some ideas about integrating sustainability principles in your workplace, whether that’s your co-op job or your first job after graduation.

The Steinbright Career Development Center created this guide to using Handshake to identify sustainability-focused job and career opportunities.