Initial Course Participation FAQs

What is Initial Course Participation (ICP)?

Under Title IV (“Student Assistance”) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, institutions of higher education are required to verify that students receiving financial aid have begun Initial Course Participation (ICP). ICP refers to the student’s participation in class during the term for which they are receiving financial aid. 

To bring Drexel into compliance with Title IV, a new process requires that instructors verify whether each enrolled student has begun participation in a course prior to Week 4.

Who should assess Initial Course Participation?

Instructors of credit-bearing courses in summer quarter 2023-2024 should assess Initial Course Participation. The pilot process began in Academic Year 2022-2023 with summer quarter courses and has been extended through the subsequent quarters.

When should Initial Course Participation be assessed?

Instructors should record whether students have begun initial course participation at any point within the first three weeks of the quarter. The new Initial Course Participation application will launch in DrexelLearn on the Monday of Week 2. The assessment period will end on the Sunday of Week 3.

How do I assess students' ICP?

Faculty have several options for assessing students’ initial course participation. Students are considered to have begun initial course participation by actively participating in an instructional activity related to the student’s course of study. Per Title IV, this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an assessment or an exam;
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters; and

It does not include, for example:

  • Living in institutional housing;
  • Participating in the institution's meal plan;
  • Logging into an online class or tutorial without any further participation; or
  • Participating in academic counseling or advisement.

Students may complete a qualifying activity at any time within the first three weeks of the quarter to begin initial course participation.

How do I record students’ Initial Course Participation?

 As of the spring 2024 quarter, there is a new Initial Course Participation application located in DrexelOne. Instructors should use the Initial Course Participation application and should no longer use the “InitialCourseParticipation” column in the Grade Center, which may still be visible if they copied course shells from previous terms. View instructions for locating and using the new Initial Course Participation application in DrexelOne.

Using the new application, instructors should record a student’s attendance or participation in an activity by checking the “ICP” box, or a student’s lack of attendance or participation in an activity by checking the “No ICP” box. They should complete the ICP process for each course by clicking “Submit Participation” by Sunday of week 3 of the quarter.

What is the suggested syllabus statement for ICP?

Instructors are strongly encouraged to include language in their syllabi regarding ICP. The following is a suggested syllabi statement: “Initial Course Participation (ICP): Class attendance is critical to your success as a student. Missing classes may impact your class success and your federal financial aid.” 

What happens to students who are assessed to not be participating in a course?

The Offices of Financial Aid and the University Registrar will follow up with students who receive financial aid and do not have verified ICP. No further action is needed on the part of the faculty member.