ELATES Wins 2023 ACE State Network Leadership Award

The Executive Leadership in Academic Technology, Engineering and Science (ELATES) program at Drexel University has been awarded the 2023 ACE State Network Leadership award. The ACE State Network Leadership Award recognizes an outstanding and innovative program sponsored by an ACE State Network or by a college or university that helps advance or support women or women’s issues in higher education.
Launched in 2012, ELATES is a national leadership development program designed to promote senior STEM women faculty and faculty allies into effective institutional leadership roles. The program has graduated 191 Fellows from over 64 sponsoring institutions.
ACE is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice. As the major coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities, it features a diverse membership of more than 1,700 colleges and universities, related associations, and other organizations in America and abroad and is the only major higher education association to represent all types of U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions.
“The ELATES program offers an extraordinary opportunity for senior women faculty to hone their leadership skills and learn how to address the many challenges facing higher education today,” said Kim Lee, ACE’s director of community strategy and engagement. “It’s a perfect example of how we hope to expand the leadership pipeline for women to include more women from all backgrounds.”
The ELATES curriculum focuses on equipping Fellows with skills for increasing personal and professional leadership effectiveness, leading and managing change initiatives within institutions, using strategic finance and resource management to enhance organizational missions, and creating a network of exceptional women who bring organizational perspectives and deep personal capacity to the institutions and society they serve. Learn more about ELATES at drexel.edu/ELATES.