Drexel Student Tests Positive for COVID-19 Coronavirus


The following message was sent to the Drexel community on March 20.

Dear Students and Colleagues, 

I am writing to inform you that a Drexel graduate student has become the first known member of our community to contract the COVID-19 coronavirus. Fortunately, this student is recovering at home and said to be doing well.

The student believes she was exposed to the virus on March 12 and was on campus the next day.  She has informed fellow students with whom she interacted. Because her last visit to campus was prior to when her symptoms started, we believe those she may have come in contact with have a low risk of contracting the virus, and so far, no other students have reported symptoms.

It is critical that we all continue to practice social distancing and proper hygiene to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Aside from self-isolating, if a student has developed fever with cough or shortness of breath or has had contact with someone who is suspected to have coronavirus, the student is advised to call the Drexel Student Health Center right away at 215.220.4700. Faculty and professional staff are advised to seek medical care by calling their primary care doctor and asking to be evaluated for the COVID-19 infection. After calling your provider, please contact covid19health@drexel.edu immediately and provide your name and a phone number to be contacted by a Drexel representative. It is imperative that the University is aware of any exposure risk to the members of the Drexel community.

Regular updates can be found at Drexel’s Response to Coronavirus website, and the CDC's prevention tips are another resource.


John Fry
