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Exploring the Effects of Lockdown on Youth during the Pandemic

A Literature Review and Survey Evaluation

Exploring the Effects of Lockdown on Youth During the Pandemic [PDF]

By Francesca Johnson, Becky Wilson, Carletta Skipworth, Elaine Lindy, and Ryan Debold 


Fiesta Schoolyards, a non-profit organization with the goal of transforming elementary school yards in Philadelphia, conducted a survey of parents and caregivers over an 8 week period in 2021 focusing on answering the following question: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental and physical health of elementary-age children differently who live in a city, in the suburbs, or in a rural area? The online survey was circulated to parents and caregivers of children aged 5 to 12 in the Greater Philadelphia area.


Fiesta Schoolyards was formed in 2018 to demonstrate the positive benefits and feasibility of implementing scalable, low-cost, and expedited playground improvements at school playgrounds across the District that tend to be characterized as large expanses of asphalt and little other play equipment. This survey will aid the work of Fiesta Schoolyards by identifying common physical and mental health issues experienced by the children of the communities they are working in, as well as addressing the concerns of parents and caretakers. This information can further be explored to identify the best methods to encourage active play in these communities.


This survey was created and distributed with help from the After School Activities Partnership, the Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development, Public Citizens for Children and Youth, and Drexel University’s Office of University and Community Partnerships.