Alumnae Files

Woman’s / Medical College of Pennsylvania (W/MCP) alumnae/i

The collection of files on alumnae/i of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, and Medical College of Pennsylvania contain primary and secondary materials on many Medical College alumnae/i. Content spans graduates from 1850-1970.

While not all alumnae/i have files this is a good starting point for researching graduates.

The 1970 Register of the Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania is available online and provides lists of alumnae up to 1970.

Note: This collection does not include School of Nursing alumnae/i. For materials on nursing and nursing students please contact us.

Hahnemann Medical College/University alumni

A 1918 Hahnemann Alumni directory lists alumni from 1848 to 1918 and can be freely accessed on Hathi Trust

We hold some alumni files containing varying degrees of detail on graduates; please contact us for further information.