Westphal College of Media Arts and Design Graduate Program Level Outcomes

Upon degree completion, graduates of our programs will be able to...

  • Assess and Apply Research. Identify and analyze qualitative and quantitative research. Evaluate research to communicate and support management and leadership decisions in cultural organizations.
  • Conduct Primary Research. Conduct qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods original research. Produce research of significant quality that expands the knowledge of the cultural sector.
  • Demonstrate competence in interpersonal communication.
  • Deliver effective written and oral proposals and presentations addressing a range of audiences and concerns relevant to the culture sector.
  • Collaborate in teams applying leadership theories in cultural practice. Demonstrate competence in management techniques.
  • Integrate multiple modalities of communications and information sharing for organizational effectiveness and program/service delivery.
  • Assess the use of technologies to communicate, collaborate, solve problems, make decisions and conduct research, as well as foster creativity and life-long learning.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the changing environment of the sector and use critical thinking skills to identify issues and broad-based policy solutions.
  • Compare the particular requirements of managing different types of cultural organizations. Demonstrate knowledge of administrative theories and practices.
  • Design and complete a self-directed learning experience, for example practicums and theses.
  • Design solutions for the cultural sector and generate new ideas based on theory and practice.
  • Develop professional skills through high-quality immersive online and on-site experiences in the culture sector.
  • Demonstrate capacity for leadership in the cultural community, utilize leadership strengths, ethical standards, and ability to motivate and engage others to create a more just society through culture.
  • Collaborate with colleagues of diverse backgrounds to construct inclusive and antiracist communities in the cultural sector.
  • Construct cultural experiences for diverse audiences and stakeholders.
  • Drive social change and equity within the cultural sector.
  • Demonstrate an innovative and creative approach to problem solving as it relates to diverse research scenarios in the design research field
  • Formulate an expressed and observable research strategy
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of variety of design and research experiences, approaches and viewpoints
  • Display a sensitivity to social, cultural, ethical and environmental values through knowledge and application of design research
  • Critically analyze their own work and academic research literature with respect to the global impacts and experimental design research
  • Use divergent and convergent thinking to generate novel and relevant ideas, strategies, approaches and outcomes in research
  • Distinguish larger, complex societal forces and systems that affect design directions, trends and public policy
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to enter the Digital Media industry
  • Demonstrate an innovative and creative approach to Digital Media research
  • Analyze the cultural impact of digital media
  • Explore and embrace emerging technologies in digital media
  • Critically analyze their own work and academic research literature
  • Communicate design ideas and research results effectively.
  • Develop the knowledge and skills to lead change in an evolving industry
  • Grow by collaborating with their peers to thrive in the expanding and converging global community
  • Cultivate  imagination, innovation, technical acumen, and originality to prepare  for commercial industry application or entrepreneurship
  • Understand the diverse global enterprise devoted to the making and selling of apparel, footwear, textiles and accessories
  • Embrace relevant technology in digital tools as they relate to fashion design
  • Explore interdisciplinary design research and collaboration opportunities within our comprehensive university setting
  • Incorporate the fusion of art, design, science, technology, and commerce into a personal design sensibility
  • Create apparel, textile and fashion products that adopt a flexible,  ethical and sustainable  interdisciplinary approach
  • Develop innovative presentations of contemporary contextual design
  • Recognize the role of fashion in our cultural heritage
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to enter the profession of interior design
  • Demonstrate an innovative and creative approach to problem solving and be discerning when making practical, responsible, human centered and aesthetic judgments
  • Demonstrate mastery in expression of a variety of design experiences, approaches and viewpoints
  • Demonstrate a responsible attitude and awareness toward the safety and well-being of the public and the profession of interior design
  • Demonstrate an awareness of community engagement, diversity and social stewardship of the built environment
  • Display a sensitivity to social, community, contextual, cultural, ethical and environmental values
  • Investigate exploratory approaches to learning through design based on scholarly research, as a means of contributing to the professional body of knowledge
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and synthesize research to reflect various philosophies, integrate technology and generate insightful design solutions
  • Develop a sophisticated and layered design vision, translate that vision into shared goals and effectively work with others as a leader or follower to achieve these goals.
  • Demonstrate advanced skills in corporate and market research, wrlitten communication and visual presentation as applicable in the retail industry
  • Demonstrate the aptitude to analyze and interpret historical and current retail data integrating theoretical principles, data computationJ pr,oduct evaluation, visual acuity, and retail and consumer analysis
  • Demonstrate the ability to assess merohandising technologies and the related impact on development, buying, manufacturing, shipping and retailing
  • Demonstrate proficiency of global product supply chains that impact design, production, and consumption
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the confJuenoe of corporate culture, retajl management, merchandising strategiesJ sales and retail analysis, product qualityJ and future goals as they relate to leadership in the organization
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct an advanced research project by applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies and then analyze the results using critical analytical thinking skills
  • Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the multi-platform/multi-device ecology of the global television industry
  • Understand the history and evolution of the current global television environment and its central role in the American democracy
  • Formulate problem statements and research questions and the skill to operationalize them within a research protocol and to apply fundamental research methodologies to the analysis of complex situations
  • Comprehend the dynamics of change and the forces driving the diffusion of innovation and the ability to assess present and emerging TV technology sufficiently to manage TV organizations at the highest levels
  • Understand revenue and financial models that drive the TV industry and to exhibit competence with the tools of financial analysis
  • Evince knowledge of the process by which television content is created and distributed and to understand TV programming strategies, tactics and audience measurement techniques across all media platforms
  • Understand the structure of media organizations at all levels and to apply ethical standards in all decision-making arenas
  • Demonstrate fluency in the languages of business (managerial and financial accounting, marketing, new venture planning, micro and macro economic analysis), and technology assessment
  • Integrate coursework and field experience so as to demonstrate competence in developing and executing a thesis from problem statement to
  • Understand prevailing models of management and leadership and to be able to apply them to legacy and evolving television organizations
  • Speak to the impact social media have on the TV industry and to describe new ways of measuring TV through social media, and to demonstrate how digital platforms have
  • Evince critical thinking skills in the analysis of complex media systems and their related national and global impact
  • Comprehend and exercise the leadership skill sets required to lead at every level of the television industry and to understand the challenges of managing and leading creative staff
  • Understand the constitutional, regulatory, legal and ethical frameworks that govern labor relations, contractual obligations, intellectual property rights, and negotiation
  • Function in the multi-dimensional world of programming that includes knowledge of content production, syndication, programming and counter-programming response mechanisms
  • Identify the public interest needs of the community and to create media-centric responses that reflect meaningful levels of civic engagement
  • Problem solving: students will undertake critical analysis and assessment of dynamic urban environments
  • Data competency: students will gather and manipulate different types of data, including spatial, cultural, historical and demographic data
  • Leadership skills: students will develop capacity for ethical leadership, understand different leadership styles and methods for motivating others
  • Cross cultural perspective: students will gain awareness and competence in cross-cultural perspectives, learning how diverse cultures impact urban life
  • Communication fluency: students will hone their oral & written communication skills, learning how to interact with and impact a range of audiences through democratic, participatory engagement
  • Collaboration in teams: students will learn to collaborate in multi-disciplinary teams to identify and address urban problems
  • Grounding in Context: students will understand the role of history and culture in shaping urban institutions and systems
  • Urban Awareness: students will investigate how cities are shaped by multiple systems, including public policy, health, economic development, and built environment