Supporting Our Dragons Every Step of the Way 

Division Offices

Equipping students with the opportunities and resources they need in order to reach their goals.

Enrollment Management & Student Success is a division comprised of Drexel University departments and organizations that share a common vision: a commitment to fostering an environment where every student who chooses Drexel feels welcome and prepared during their transition to university life and supported throughout their entire time here. From their first engagement with the University all the way through commencement, we are dedicated to ensuring that each student has the resources that they need to thrive at Drexel and long into the future. It is our responsibility to ensure that the quality of the full student experience at Drexel remains high and that our students have everything they need in order to succeed.

Dawn Medley
Dawn Medley, EdD, Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management
Enrollment Management
Subir Sahu
Subir Sahu, PhD, Senior Vice President for Student Success
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Recent News

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Joelyne Jacob and Katie Moorcones will lead the Undergraduate Student Government Association through the upcoming school year; here, they talked about their experience and plans.

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